Sunday, July 17, 2005

I sho did, sho nuff!

yeah, I picked up a little souvenir. But kidding aside, so far my girlfriend's really something else and I guess we all consider our significant others a blessing to have, especially someone so nice and genuine (makes me wonder y she's with me). But anyway would love to introduce my friends back home to her someday, if by then we make it that far. I'm not in love yet, but she says she likes me alot, and I am starting to like her more than I feel comfortable. Her job gives her some notoriety and her entourage is a bit cumbersome at times for quality mono e mono time.

Aye mon - good luck on ur new job!! It's going pretty well for me here, and the plans are actually i'll evaluate over some beer n Game of Thrones with my friends, whether i will return to the philippines. Actually i've come to a 90% decision, I probably will return for at least a year.

Jonny, Johnny, Jonnie Bravo