In SF @ 9.15 on Southwest
Also, the game tonight was a blast! Some brutal fights, one time a hockey man didn't want to fight and another hockey man wanted to fight, so he dropped his gloves and attacked the other hockey man. The attacking man punched the other man square in the face as he was trying to fight back and the punched man fell to the ice and covered his face. When he got up, the kids with the shovels had to come on the ice to shovel all the blood off the rink from the man's face.
The offender was Ken Belanger, nicknamed "The Sandman" for obvious reasons. Good times.
Very exciting game, good to be back in a rink buying $10 beers again. Seriously. $10.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
On the subject of games: Did someone say AA?
I'm in. I don't play the boardgame anymore since hawking it on ebay for a good 35 dollars!!! Anyways it would be interesting for a quick 2 hour online battle.
Although there's quite a few boardgames available for internet play.
On WoW, yeah... everytime I see the letters "w""o""w" in sequence or if I say "Wow!" I would immediately associate it with World of Warcraft before any actual intended meaning. It'll take fuckin' years before that ingrained training pops out of my head. I used to have the same correlation with certain games like Ultima IV and "We built this city" by starship. Today, I can say that that association has finally been erased from my mind. Thank god.
So I'm bored this sunday. Normally I spend time visiting my girlfriend in Manila City, but due to poor planning, I couldn't reserve any hotels. So I'm stuck out here in the province near the factory. I'll probably go play a little basketball but that is only the endurance training for my next endeavor: GOLF!
I really want to get good at golfing so I'm dedicating every sunday in going to the driving range and hopefully a game or two here and there. It'll be great.
Speaking of Online Morph games, have you seen Dungeons and Dragons? Looked kinda interesting, except the part about being a "team effort" game. Team effort in Instances *shiver*
I'm in. I don't play the boardgame anymore since hawking it on ebay for a good 35 dollars!!! Anyways it would be interesting for a quick 2 hour online battle.
Although there's quite a few boardgames available for internet play.
On WoW, yeah... everytime I see the letters "w""o""w" in sequence or if I say "Wow!" I would immediately associate it with World of Warcraft before any actual intended meaning. It'll take fuckin' years before that ingrained training pops out of my head. I used to have the same correlation with certain games like Ultima IV and "We built this city" by starship. Today, I can say that that association has finally been erased from my mind. Thank god.
So I'm bored this sunday. Normally I spend time visiting my girlfriend in Manila City, but due to poor planning, I couldn't reserve any hotels. So I'm stuck out here in the province near the factory. I'll probably go play a little basketball but that is only the endurance training for my next endeavor: GOLF!
I really want to get good at golfing so I'm dedicating every sunday in going to the driving range and hopefully a game or two here and there. It'll be great.
Speaking of Online Morph games, have you seen Dungeons and Dragons? Looked kinda interesting, except the part about being a "team effort" game. Team effort in Instances *shiver*
You know what I've been playing the hell out of lately?
The PC version of Axis and Allies. Good fun! I think we should get a game going with all of us fellas.. it supports up to five players and takes a SHITLOAD less time to play online because there aren't a million pieces to set up, move, etc.. If you guys are interested, I'll copy/mail the CD rom to you so we can all play. That'd be sweet.
The PC version of Axis and Allies. Good fun! I think we should get a game going with all of us fellas.. it supports up to five players and takes a SHITLOAD less time to play online because there aren't a million pieces to set up, move, etc.. If you guys are interested, I'll copy/mail the CD rom to you so we can all play. That'd be sweet.
I remember when Denis, Rudy and I made the trek up to SFCon (aka the weekend we just sort of came up for no reason), we did two things in the car: We listened to the 2nd Mitch Hedberg CD for about 45min, and we talked about WoW for the remaining 4 hours. Straight. It was weird, and I think there were probably some brief "off-topic" items thrown in for good measure, but I think we talked the whole way.
I think the Action Team Guild had been founded by that time, and we were probably like 30th level. Rudy had joined Nature's Vagina, and Johnny was reluctant to play. I think the story of the trip was Dave and his fucking flute.
Also on that trip, Johnny played briefly on the laptop and created Allodin the Paladin, and for him, the rest they say was history. I think Johnny caught up with us (30ish lvl) in like 2 days, maybe less.
The first thing I did when I got home that night was hop on....
Now that I think about it, I think that was the weekend that allowed me a break from WoW and then when I got back, I lost interest in DocNorvell and created some Undead, and then just quit altogether, so that means I was, or was very near to 40th lvl. The whole paying for a steed (me) vs. getting one for free (Jon, Johnny and Rudy's vagina friends paid for his) REALLY put me off the game.
I miss those crazy 4 hour nights occasionally. "must.. finish... instance..." Whenever I eat delicious fruit and nut mix from Costco, which was my staple for late night instancing, I am reminded of the good times.
Anyone still have that posed picture we took after finishing the instance by the beach with the giant turtle?
No more rambling.
Oh yeah, Mike's home. We are going to a Kings game tonight.
I remember when Denis, Rudy and I made the trek up to SFCon (aka the weekend we just sort of came up for no reason), we did two things in the car: We listened to the 2nd Mitch Hedberg CD for about 45min, and we talked about WoW for the remaining 4 hours. Straight. It was weird, and I think there were probably some brief "off-topic" items thrown in for good measure, but I think we talked the whole way.
I think the Action Team Guild had been founded by that time, and we were probably like 30th level. Rudy had joined Nature's Vagina, and Johnny was reluctant to play. I think the story of the trip was Dave and his fucking flute.
Also on that trip, Johnny played briefly on the laptop and created Allodin the Paladin, and for him, the rest they say was history. I think Johnny caught up with us (30ish lvl) in like 2 days, maybe less.
The first thing I did when I got home that night was hop on....
Now that I think about it, I think that was the weekend that allowed me a break from WoW and then when I got back, I lost interest in DocNorvell and created some Undead, and then just quit altogether, so that means I was, or was very near to 40th lvl. The whole paying for a steed (me) vs. getting one for free (Jon, Johnny and Rudy's vagina friends paid for his) REALLY put me off the game.
I miss those crazy 4 hour nights occasionally. "must.. finish... instance..." Whenever I eat delicious fruit and nut mix from Costco, which was my staple for late night instancing, I am reminded of the good times.
Anyone still have that posed picture we took after finishing the instance by the beach with the giant turtle?
No more rambling.
Oh yeah, Mike's home. We are going to a Kings game tonight.
That's pretty damn funny....
My boss seriously talks about his World of Warcraft character ALL THE TIME. I mean, in the geekiest possible manner, throwing around words like "proc" and "toon" with reckless abandon. Listening to his constant discussions with random people that come into the room, I have a taste of what it was like for people who didn't play the game listening to us talk about it (like Enron). Oh well. Man, we could talk about that damn game for hours! Still could, probably.
Anyway, tomorow is Hockey Day, huzzah! Yes Aeryk you will have to see my mostly-painted robuts. You can laugh at my efforts, then slowly tear my ticket into pieces. I guess it'd be a hassle for you to bring yours up huh? Too bad 'cause it'd be nice to get into a three-way battle. I suppose we will have to settle for our usual three-way bucoffee.
The minis I ordered online came the other day (free priority shipping = teh awesome), and I spent this morning prepping them. I feel so paternal as I patiently scrub their little metal hides free of grease using an old toothbrush and some soap and water and then gently file down their bases.
Anyway, what I ordered was, I wanted to fill out my Cygnar and Cryx armies to 500 points so that hopefully Enron and I can get in some bigger games and maybe start using the campaign rules. If you order online it's pretty cost-effective to put together an army. You can do a pretty solid 500-point army for about $85, maybe with an extra merc or two. That simultaneously is, and is not, a lot of money.
So, yeah, go me!
My boss seriously talks about his World of Warcraft character ALL THE TIME. I mean, in the geekiest possible manner, throwing around words like "proc" and "toon" with reckless abandon. Listening to his constant discussions with random people that come into the room, I have a taste of what it was like for people who didn't play the game listening to us talk about it (like Enron). Oh well. Man, we could talk about that damn game for hours! Still could, probably.
Anyway, tomorow is Hockey Day, huzzah! Yes Aeryk you will have to see my mostly-painted robuts. You can laugh at my efforts, then slowly tear my ticket into pieces. I guess it'd be a hassle for you to bring yours up huh? Too bad 'cause it'd be nice to get into a three-way battle. I suppose we will have to settle for our usual three-way bucoffee.
The minis I ordered online came the other day (free priority shipping = teh awesome), and I spent this morning prepping them. I feel so paternal as I patiently scrub their little metal hides free of grease using an old toothbrush and some soap and water and then gently file down their bases.
Anyway, what I ordered was, I wanted to fill out my Cygnar and Cryx armies to 500 points so that hopefully Enron and I can get in some bigger games and maybe start using the campaign rules. If you order online it's pretty cost-effective to put together an army. You can do a pretty solid 500-point army for about $85, maybe with an extra merc or two. That simultaneously is, and is not, a lot of money.
So, yeah, go me!
LOL! WoW gets the "plague"..
I don't play the game, but still find this immeasurably funny/ironic.. that a medieval game has "the plague".. hehe..
I don't play the game, but still find this immeasurably funny/ironic.. that a medieval game has "the plague".. hehe..
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Check it out...
Nintendor released and hands on demo'd the design and functionality of their new console's (Revolution) controllers. I dont know what to think other than I will have to try it to be able to decide whether or not I would be into it. Basically it is like a gyroscopic mouse orother controller. Meaning, interacting with games via the remote can be a simple as physically moving it spatially and it will interpret the movement. I have seen these before for computer UIs, but they never really caught on. Check it out:
Nintendor Revolution Controller
Nintendor released and hands on demo'd the design and functionality of their new console's (Revolution) controllers. I dont know what to think other than I will have to try it to be able to decide whether or not I would be into it. Basically it is like a gyroscopic mouse orother controller. Meaning, interacting with games via the remote can be a simple as physically moving it spatially and it will interpret the movement. I have seen these before for computer UIs, but they never really caught on. Check it out:
Nintendor Revolution Controller
They have really dropped the ball the past few years. They used to be a real developmental and innovative powerhouse. Now they just lag. I mean the Walkman and the Playstation were both amazing products. Sony always had a great sense of quality and formulas for design. That all seems to have been forgotten with the PSP and their first two generations of 'iPod killers'/abominations. I mean come on, ATRAK only encoding? What kind of retard thought that was going to sell like an iPod? They just do not get it. How can a company that was so proactive with both R&D and strong marketing research find themselves so far off the beaten path? PSP just seems to be a continuation of the erosion of their marketing research. Shit they have the design, but they seem intent on driving it over a cliff. Moral of the story: “Worry less about mods and a hell of a lot more about giving people a reason to spend cash on their lucrative licensing income machine”, aka games of quality. MS went through all that shit to prevent Xbox mods for Linux. In the end they wasted a shit load of resources on an almost non-existent percentage of the market. And for what? How much did they really lose in sales? Maybe a few hundred to a thousand terminals? On the otherhand how much did they waste in their legal departments? Just damn short sighted. If you are going to sell a product at a loss on the hopes of making up the lost profit on recurring add-on sales, you have to accept the responsability for producing desireable products. Dont' pass the buck. None of this litigation and DRM shit that just mascarades as copyright protection when in fact it is just a disguise for lazy companies unwilling to be competitve and innovative. The number one issue with large companies right now. It’s the whole adage of tripping over a hundred dollar bill to grab a nickel. Read: Music industry. As Joel would say: "ASSHOLES".
Perhaps Magnetbox or Panaphonics should enter the fray
They have really dropped the ball the past few years. They used to be a real developmental and innovative powerhouse. Now they just lag. I mean the Walkman and the Playstation were both amazing products. Sony always had a great sense of quality and formulas for design. That all seems to have been forgotten with the PSP and their first two generations of 'iPod killers'/abominations. I mean come on, ATRAK only encoding? What kind of retard thought that was going to sell like an iPod? They just do not get it. How can a company that was so proactive with both R&D and strong marketing research find themselves so far off the beaten path? PSP just seems to be a continuation of the erosion of their marketing research. Shit they have the design, but they seem intent on driving it over a cliff. Moral of the story: “Worry less about mods and a hell of a lot more about giving people a reason to spend cash on their lucrative licensing income machine”, aka games of quality. MS went through all that shit to prevent Xbox mods for Linux. In the end they wasted a shit load of resources on an almost non-existent percentage of the market. And for what? How much did they really lose in sales? Maybe a few hundred to a thousand terminals? On the otherhand how much did they waste in their legal departments? Just damn short sighted. If you are going to sell a product at a loss on the hopes of making up the lost profit on recurring add-on sales, you have to accept the responsability for producing desireable products. Dont' pass the buck. None of this litigation and DRM shit that just mascarades as copyright protection when in fact it is just a disguise for lazy companies unwilling to be competitve and innovative. The number one issue with large companies right now. It’s the whole adage of tripping over a hundred dollar bill to grab a nickel. Read: Music industry. As Joel would say: "ASSHOLES".
Perhaps Magnetbox or Panaphonics should enter the fray
PSP is Pee Pee Again
So, I picked up one of my favorite games of all time, Burnout, for the PSP today, biked home, popped it in, and the fucker required me to upgrade to 1.52 (ie. the firmware I can't play Doom II or any emulation with). Sonsofbitches! So, I promptly biked back to Target, spoke with a manager, and exchanged the game for the XBox version.
Did I mention that no where on EA's website (except for digging in the support section), and no where on the packaging is it mentioned that a firmware update is required? That means that a majority of the people out there that buy Burnout, and refuse to upgrade the firmware, will be stuck with the game because policy at most (if not all stores that sell games) is that you cannot return opened games.
What this tells me is that I have to use the emulation to it's fullest because from here on out, Sorny is going to tell me what I can and can't do with a product that I own. I can play games that they occasionally release, I cannot play emulators.
Agreed. Until there is an emulation hack for version 2.0 of the firmware, I am not buying another PSP game. Sorny is really shooting themselves in the foot here. I know I am not in the majority, but I am certain there are a fair number of people out there that will make the same decision I am making.
As I understand it, Ultimate Doom, and Hexen work as well! I just need to dig those up somewhere...
So, I picked up one of my favorite games of all time, Burnout, for the PSP today, biked home, popped it in, and the fucker required me to upgrade to 1.52 (ie. the firmware I can't play Doom II or any emulation with). Sonsofbitches! So, I promptly biked back to Target, spoke with a manager, and exchanged the game for the XBox version.
Did I mention that no where on EA's website (except for digging in the support section), and no where on the packaging is it mentioned that a firmware update is required? That means that a majority of the people out there that buy Burnout, and refuse to upgrade the firmware, will be stuck with the game because policy at most (if not all stores that sell games) is that you cannot return opened games.
What this tells me is that I have to use the emulation to it's fullest because from here on out, Sorny is going to tell me what I can and can't do with a product that I own. I can play games that they occasionally release, I cannot play emulators.
Agreed. Until there is an emulation hack for version 2.0 of the firmware, I am not buying another PSP game. Sorny is really shooting themselves in the foot here. I know I am not in the majority, but I am certain there are a fair number of people out there that will make the same decision I am making.
As I understand it, Ultimate Doom, and Hexen work as well! I just need to dig those up somewhere...
Rock On
Well, I received the tickets in the mail for the Kings. Good deal. I also received an automated call from TicketMasterThieves that there indeed is a legitimate official double header. Sweet.
I think making our own podcast could be fun. But I bet once we get finished recording it, we would decide it was in the best interest of the world that we did not share our crass minds with everyone. Too many humanity points.
Rude: I think Jon has the old tapes in LA. A little Convynshun Thyme and Full body massages.
Elzar & Pump: You would be proud of Jon. He is hopelessly addicted to minitures. He is even painting them with true desire to have them look good on the table. Sweet.
Well, I received the tickets in the mail for the Kings. Good deal. I also received an automated call from TicketMasterThieves that there indeed is a legitimate official double header. Sweet.
I think making our own podcast could be fun. But I bet once we get finished recording it, we would decide it was in the best interest of the world that we did not share our crass minds with everyone. Too many humanity points.
Rude: I think Jon has the old tapes in LA. A little Convynshun Thyme and Full body massages.
Elzar & Pump: You would be proud of Jon. He is hopelessly addicted to minitures. He is even painting them with true desire to have them look good on the table. Sweet.
Yeah, I don't get Sony's release-no-games strategy. It's bizarre. If they capitalized on the way people have been using the device, as a sort of multimedia fucking grab bag where you can put your own software and stuff on it, it'd be awesome. Instead they try to kill the one thing that makes the platform interesting.
It's almost like they intentionally wanted to drive people to the DS, which is now finally coming out with some really cool games.
Oh and Jael, to quote the abridged Star Wars III script:
So, now that the movie is over,
would you say that the prequel
trilogy was worth making?
It's almost like they intentionally wanted to drive people to the DS, which is now finally coming out with some really cool games.
Oh and Jael, to quote the abridged Star Wars III script:
So, now that the movie is over,
would you say that the prequel
trilogy was worth making?
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Wow.. does anyone know what I do? *hmmm* owell wtf, including me i guess. heh
Eric, it's sales engineering work at a cable assembly company, mostly trying to source and design wire harnesses, electronic hook ups, and lead wires, connectors for the electronics OEM companies. We also do AC/DC power cords for european/asia/US configurations. Then there's your common crap cables, printer, usb, lan, I don't do too much of those as they are really competitive and small margined.
SO there are parts on a cable that requires strain relief or something like that that requires custom molding... hence the PVC. But it's basically the same injection machines that makes your plastic game pieces (i think) just a different hardness pvc compound. BTW there are tons of PVC compounds, the PVC that makes the plastic pipes are just one of them. And no... we don't lay those. heh doh.
There's also a few things I'm working on on the side, ie. own enterprising (no not multi level crap) manufacturing and distributing supplements and have lately been turned on to the ideas of outsourcing call centers, but Don't ask if you don't want to get into it.
And OH... just in case everyone ELSE didn't know? I'm still in the philippines... although "hiding at the cons" would have been a great second answer. heh
Eric, it's sales engineering work at a cable assembly company, mostly trying to source and design wire harnesses, electronic hook ups, and lead wires, connectors for the electronics OEM companies. We also do AC/DC power cords for european/asia/US configurations. Then there's your common crap cables, printer, usb, lan, I don't do too much of those as they are really competitive and small margined.
SO there are parts on a cable that requires strain relief or something like that that requires custom molding... hence the PVC. But it's basically the same injection machines that makes your plastic game pieces (i think) just a different hardness pvc compound. BTW there are tons of PVC compounds, the PVC that makes the plastic pipes are just one of them. And no... we don't lay those. heh doh.
There's also a few things I'm working on on the side, ie. own enterprising (no not multi level crap) manufacturing and distributing supplements and have lately been turned on to the ideas of outsourcing call centers, but Don't ask if you don't want to get into it.
And OH... just in case everyone ELSE didn't know? I'm still in the philippines... although "hiding at the cons" would have been a great second answer. heh
PSP is Pee Pee
Well, it's more of a love hate relationship with this thing. First the hate. There are no games worth while available, and Sorny is releasing more crappy movies than you can shake a stick at while totally neglecting the game market. I think there have been maybe 3 new titles since the launch date? WTF? Tomorrow Burnout:Legends releases and I couldn't be happier, HOWEVER, to play it you may need to upgrade the firmware. The problem with doing that is it effectively stops me from enjoying the "love" part of my PSP, the emulators!
I am running a NES, SNES, Sega Master System, Genesis, and Doom emulator right now, and combined with bittorrent I have every ROM I could ever want or need to play with. Admittedly, this is NOT really what I intended to use the PSP for when I picked it up, but since Sorny has pretty much left anyone who did buy it to play games out to dry, I am really enjoying my new use for it! Sorny apparently doesn't want people to use the hardware they purchase for any purpose they see fit, Sorny has made any emulation impossible with any firmware above 1.5. Rumor has it, to play some of the new games, you need 2.0, which comes with a web browser, but who cares?
So, I am happy and sad. The thing I am most sad about is that the Genesis emulator WON'T RUN NHL 98!!!!!! 97 runs fine, but I need 98!!!! PGA II still rules.
Well, it's more of a love hate relationship with this thing. First the hate. There are no games worth while available, and Sorny is releasing more crappy movies than you can shake a stick at while totally neglecting the game market. I think there have been maybe 3 new titles since the launch date? WTF? Tomorrow Burnout:Legends releases and I couldn't be happier, HOWEVER, to play it you may need to upgrade the firmware. The problem with doing that is it effectively stops me from enjoying the "love" part of my PSP, the emulators!
I am running a NES, SNES, Sega Master System, Genesis, and Doom emulator right now, and combined with bittorrent I have every ROM I could ever want or need to play with. Admittedly, this is NOT really what I intended to use the PSP for when I picked it up, but since Sorny has pretty much left anyone who did buy it to play games out to dry, I am really enjoying my new use for it! Sorny apparently doesn't want people to use the hardware they purchase for any purpose they see fit, Sorny has made any emulation impossible with any firmware above 1.5. Rumor has it, to play some of the new games, you need 2.0, which comes with a web browser, but who cares?
So, I am happy and sad. The thing I am most sad about is that the Genesis emulator WON'T RUN NHL 98!!!!!! 97 runs fine, but I need 98!!!! PGA II still rules.
Two Funnies, and 3)
The government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance.
A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed.
Second, look closely (click to enlarge):

Ha ha, good times.
3) I don't even know what you are talking about Jael. Do you sell PVC pipe now? Or some other plastic related product?
The government today announced that it is changing its emblem from an Eagle to a CONDOM because it more accurately reflects the government's political stance.
A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of pricks, and gives you a sense of security while you're actually being screwed.
Second, look closely (click to enlarge):

Ha ha, good times.
3) I don't even know what you are talking about Jael. Do you sell PVC pipe now? Or some other plastic related product?
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
5 months... and nothin,
I've dolled out at least 30 sales quotes to different customers, but so far, I've got nothin, no bites. not one. Some of them are million pieces or more. Wow... i'm sure giving my moneys worth here. So I can either a) keep trying or b) shoot myself with a shotgun c) complain on the blog. So there you have it.
On the side note, we have PVC machines, so I was thinking I could make customized mold blocks and make cool Game pieces! hazzah! And lots of PVC to boot. Maybe I'll make a World of Warcraft, RPG board game.
Okay, anyhow. I just saw Revenge of the sith, and I have to say, I'm not that impressed. Since when did emulating or rather, Imitating a great classic become par to being a good movie? There were no new concepts, lame acting (expected with this cast, except for yoda,) and sub-pre modern special effects? In the past you had, Death Stars, cool new races, Walkers, Jet bike chases, tie fighers, bombers etc etc.
Creativity up the yin yang. This movie? None.
In light that the 2 predecessors were complete dolfs, it doesn't make ROTS (IN HELL) a great prodigy.
I've dolled out at least 30 sales quotes to different customers, but so far, I've got nothin, no bites. not one. Some of them are million pieces or more. Wow... i'm sure giving my moneys worth here. So I can either a) keep trying or b) shoot myself with a shotgun c) complain on the blog. So there you have it.
On the side note, we have PVC machines, so I was thinking I could make customized mold blocks and make cool Game pieces! hazzah! And lots of PVC to boot. Maybe I'll make a World of Warcraft, RPG board game.
Okay, anyhow. I just saw Revenge of the sith, and I have to say, I'm not that impressed. Since when did emulating or rather, Imitating a great classic become par to being a good movie? There were no new concepts, lame acting (expected with this cast, except for yoda,) and sub-pre modern special effects? In the past you had, Death Stars, cool new races, Walkers, Jet bike chases, tie fighers, bombers etc etc.
Creativity up the yin yang. This movie? None.
In light that the 2 predecessors were complete dolfs, it doesn't make ROTS (IN HELL) a great prodigy.
My Travel Plans
Yes, Turo, I am coming to town and would love to stay with you guys and the son of God, if that is still cool. Just me coming so Michelle can come to the game if she would like, or Jesus, either way. I am flying in Sat 24th @ 11.30am, and the game starts at 7.30pm, so we can dick around for a bit before hand. Then my flight out is on sunday 25th @ 5pm, so more dicking can ensue.
Also, the SF Lads, I will be ariving Sun 18th @ 9.10am in Oakland, then the first of the double headers is at 4pm, I think, so some mild dicking could be had too. Then I fly out Mon 19th @3.00pm, which concerns no one but myself and BART. I might try to get an earlier flight, cause you guys will both be at work all day, right?
Podcast: We just need some topics to discuss, with a brief outline of what we all want to say about it, and then we just riff from there. Ideas:
- Top RPG bosses
- 5 Best games ever
- Worst games ever
- Best characters and why
- Best/worst humanity points and why (I'm thinking Prosty's and such)
- Etc.
We would probably be better off just taking the recorder with us to Carls Jr and talking about the german guy who offered himself up for eating, and shared his severed filleted weiner with his eating partner before he died. All the while we can sit 3 feet from a family with children, raise our voices, bring Hot Carl's and "FEMUR!" into the discussion, and eat our own double western bacon cheeseburgers.
Sounds like a plan.
Yes, Turo, I am coming to town and would love to stay with you guys and the son of God, if that is still cool. Just me coming so Michelle can come to the game if she would like, or Jesus, either way. I am flying in Sat 24th @ 11.30am, and the game starts at 7.30pm, so we can dick around for a bit before hand. Then my flight out is on sunday 25th @ 5pm, so more dicking can ensue.
Also, the SF Lads, I will be ariving Sun 18th @ 9.10am in Oakland, then the first of the double headers is at 4pm, I think, so some mild dicking could be had too. Then I fly out Mon 19th @3.00pm, which concerns no one but myself and BART. I might try to get an earlier flight, cause you guys will both be at work all day, right?
Podcast: We just need some topics to discuss, with a brief outline of what we all want to say about it, and then we just riff from there. Ideas:
- Top RPG bosses
- 5 Best games ever
- Worst games ever
- Best characters and why
- Best/worst humanity points and why (I'm thinking Prosty's and such)
- Etc.
We would probably be better off just taking the recorder with us to Carls Jr and talking about the german guy who offered himself up for eating, and shared his severed filleted weiner with his eating partner before he died. All the while we can sit 3 feet from a family with children, raise our voices, bring Hot Carl's and "FEMUR!" into the discussion, and eat our own double western bacon cheeseburgers.
Sounds like a plan.
The Action Cast
Not to stroke my own filthy cock, but yeah, if we did a friggin' podcast it'd be kinda neat to use my old convention time songs. Fuck - hope someone still has them because I don't. Think I had found a few of the later ones, but not teh classics. I don't know what the fuck we would all talk about but it would be good! You guys can talk about your war games, and painting minatures. Sounds good!
One way I could contribute is that after you guys record your interviews with ourselves, I can put it in my protools or something and put nice background music in it haha. Oh man, it'd be fun - i got a big dumb smile on my face.
Not to stroke my own filthy cock, but yeah, if we did a friggin' podcast it'd be kinda neat to use my old convention time songs. Fuck - hope someone still has them because I don't. Think I had found a few of the later ones, but not teh classics. I don't know what the fuck we would all talk about but it would be good! You guys can talk about your war games, and painting minatures. Sounds good!
One way I could contribute is that after you guys record your interviews with ourselves, I can put it in my protools or something and put nice background music in it haha. Oh man, it'd be fun - i got a big dumb smile on my face.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Podcast via iTunes
I think this has a lot to do with my repressed desire to be a radio hero as well as my withdrawl from any sort of regular gaming schedule, but I love listening to Podcasts now. I just discovered the feature of iTunes 5, and have been sampling all sorts of "shows", and just discovered the gamer nerds talking about games with each other.
RPGMP3 has a podcast as well (the people who record their gaming sessions) and for whatever reason, it is interesting to me. Apparently my standards for what would make a good TV or radio show differ from the American Public, because I really like listening to (and watching if I could), people play games. Why is that?
It's better than most crap out there anyway. Check it out! Fun stuff for everyone! We should podcast Kubla and Gen con! Why!?!?!? I dont know!
It's like HAM radio clubs are back in style and sticking it to the man (FCC) via Pirate Radio blended themselves into a delicious Juice Club beverage.
I think this has a lot to do with my repressed desire to be a radio hero as well as my withdrawl from any sort of regular gaming schedule, but I love listening to Podcasts now. I just discovered the feature of iTunes 5, and have been sampling all sorts of "shows", and just discovered the gamer nerds talking about games with each other.
RPGMP3 has a podcast as well (the people who record their gaming sessions) and for whatever reason, it is interesting to me. Apparently my standards for what would make a good TV or radio show differ from the American Public, because I really like listening to (and watching if I could), people play games. Why is that?
It's better than most crap out there anyway. Check it out! Fun stuff for everyone! We should podcast Kubla and Gen con! Why!?!?!? I dont know!
It's like HAM radio clubs are back in style and sticking it to the man (FCC) via Pirate Radio blended themselves into a delicious Juice Club beverage.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
On a slightly lighter note..
Watch out Rudy.. you've got competition:
Haylee spins some tunes on her "Dance Baby Dance Dancin' Bandstand Mixer
You can check out the rest of the 11 month (can you believe she'll be a year old next month..?) Haylee webpage update here:
Watch out Rudy.. you've got competition:
Haylee spins some tunes on her "Dance Baby Dance Dancin' Bandstand Mixer
You can check out the rest of the 11 month (can you believe she'll be a year old next month..?) Haylee webpage update here:
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