Saturday, September 17, 2005


I remember when Denis, Rudy and I made the trek up to SFCon (aka the weekend we just sort of came up for no reason), we did two things in the car: We listened to the 2nd Mitch Hedberg CD for about 45min, and we talked about WoW for the remaining 4 hours. Straight. It was weird, and I think there were probably some brief "off-topic" items thrown in for good measure, but I think we talked the whole way.

I think the Action Team Guild had been founded by that time, and we were probably like 30th level. Rudy had joined Nature's Vagina, and Johnny was reluctant to play. I think the story of the trip was Dave and his fucking flute.

Also on that trip, Johnny played briefly on the laptop and created Allodin the Paladin, and for him, the rest they say was history. I think Johnny caught up with us (30ish lvl) in like 2 days, maybe less.

The first thing I did when I got home that night was hop on....

Now that I think about it, I think that was the weekend that allowed me a break from WoW and then when I got back, I lost interest in DocNorvell and created some Undead, and then just quit altogether, so that means I was, or was very near to 40th lvl. The whole paying for a steed (me) vs. getting one for free (Jon, Johnny and Rudy's vagina friends paid for his) REALLY put me off the game.

I miss those crazy 4 hour nights occasionally. "must.. finish... instance..." Whenever I eat delicious fruit and nut mix from Costco, which was my staple for late night instancing, I am reminded of the good times.

Anyone still have that posed picture we took after finishing the instance by the beach with the giant turtle?

No more rambling.

Oh yeah, Mike's home. We are going to a Kings game tonight.