Friday, October 06, 2006

Yeah, defcon is pretty rad huh? I d/l'd the "demo" also *wink wink* and its definately pretty fun. Unfortunatley, MY version wont allow for multiplayer online and thats where I imagine it'd be most awesome. Still pretty alright vs the AI.
The next episode you should record some game play from this bad boy..


Get your WMD's on! Messed with the demo.. pretty fun!
I made a youtube (u2b) video!
Research Lab 0976!

Haha! Yes, I was bored tonight! So I found the windows movie maker on my computer and went to work! The idea was to make like a video-blog but it would be like I was off on some distant planet working at a lab, and these would be letters home. So i busted open notepad to start writing this masterpiece, and wow - writing is kinda tuff! :) So instead I took the stuff I had "madlibed" (wow, it was extra-bad) and just made a kind of opening sequence. If anyone has any ideas for an actual plot/story/reason for this, lemme know! ( I just watched it again and its just me sitting there smoking - embarassing. OH WELL - give me story hooks! Like I get attacked by Emphysemazorg!)

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Is teh Blog eating posts again? =/

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Man, I love the Daily Show. I had to take it off my Tivo list though because I just don't have the time to watch it anymore. It's really about the only real news out there anymore I think. LOL.. "The Fluffers of Liberty" Hehe..

BTW.. good going on the extra work. Sounds fun as hell!
Worst phone-sex operator ever! I don't have cable, so i gotta use u2b to get my Daily Show fix. This particular one had me rolling and its just from the other night so maybe check it out - least the first few mins.
Not to bring everyone down, but I think we should all get in touch with our inner Emo. (LOL.. have you SEEN this site yet? Too funny)

Hope is Emo

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Oh my God. Best. Post. Ever.
Wow man, grats on the 2nd bday for the little one! Dude, i totally remember when you blogged she was born and all the story so far. So FAST!!! Happy birthday to her and congratulations to the lucky parents again! :)

So, after telling you guys about my LAPD job MONTHS ago, i finally got the call today to come take the drug test. 2 fuckin months it took for the background check. Of course I had quit my job within a week of the process starting, so big fucking OOPS on that one. After a few weeks of unemployment (and my credit falling further into the negative zone I'm sure) I started doing "extra" work for tv shows and shit like that. It's actually really fun, BUT pays minimum wage, so was basically gas and smoke money, yipee. SO, in the next few weeks, you might start seein me on TV! The shows I've done so far are:

ER: I'm a construction worker fixing a broken elevator. IN the scene, the indian girl and JOHN FUCKING STAMOS walk past me while having a conversation. Dunno when it airs, but I think its like the 7th episode this season. I SHOULD be totally visible on camera.

Shark: This is the new show staring James Woods as a attorney or some bullshit like that. Anyways, I play a "ball-boy" on a college football team, and I should once AGAIN be visible trying to catch footballs being thrown to me. The scene is an accused rapists (the QB) is running drills and I'm next to him passing him the ball while the main actors of the scene are on the sidelines talking or some shit. That shoot was cool cuz we basically got to play football for half a day and get paid.

24: I play a middle eastern-ish "detainee" for the next season of 24 (starts in friggin January I think) and it was a 3 day shoot, so I should get some face-time (like Face from A-Team, duh.) The scenes/sitation was: a bunch of middle-eastern types are rounded up and put into a camp. There's 2 dudes in it, one who I think is the good terrorist, and one who is the bad one, and its stuff like - they stand around talking, then they accuse the "good" one of snitching on them, then there's a big prison fight and the good one gets halled off. So I'm all over the place in these scenes (looks like it'll be part of "one hour" of the show.) So look for me in a tight-ass blue shirt with my huge man-titties waving about.

Crossing Jordan: Did this just yesterday. I'm a dude walking around the street going into a subway when Jerry Connely tackles some dude that's spreading (no joke) the Hunta Virus around Boston. And one other scene I'm with some chick coming out of a store walking in front of the main chick and dude while they get out of their car talking.

That's about it! PRetty fun! Wish it paid a living wage cuz I'd do this shit for a living. I wanna get booked on Heroes (new NBC show I really like) or something cool like that. Still prolly have at least a week or 2 before the LAPD thing starts, so more chances to be "discovered" and be like Harrison Fordington.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Haylee is turning 2. Man, THAT went fast. Here's a little somethin' somethin' webpage the wifey put together. I did the amazing flash movie (LOL). Hey, it did the job. It's a big one, so it may take a bit to load (around 10 megs I think). But, all you homos have broadband, so suck it up, fuckers.

I like the part where Eric conveniently forgets to tell the rest of us a critical rule so he can win. I dunno about this whole new fangled shit with everyone having to read up the rules beforehand. That takes out the tradition of Eric being our scapegoat for getting our asses kicked.

Here's the webpage

heh funny...

"I disagree with that global warming bullshit. I am way too cold right now for that shit to be true." classic. or actually new bushsonian paradigm?

Dude, I wish I could be back for Gencon socal! But since it's in November, it just aint happening. With this new, trying new games initiative and house cleaning, I'm sensing a lot of new games being played at Gencon! Especially war games! =) BaM looks great for a block-game, got a fair rating 7.82 on BGG. I also want to pick up a copy of Hammer of the Scots and the reprinted Conquest.
The only wargame I endorse is Adavanced Wars (1 and 2) for the GBA. Haven't played Dual Strike for the DS but I'm sure it's rocking. Ran thru the 1st AW and am now mostly thru the 2nd game. So good. There's a demo for this new comp wargame called Defcon and it looks kinda fun. Gonna give that a go. Is there a Blood Cricket game you can also bring to the con? I would love to try it out.

As far as ASL goes, I would be thrilled if you just familiarized yourself with the rules is all. After years and years of being the guy that has the new game, and tries to explain it to everyone else, then play it, and then leave out some rules here and there that I am then lambasted for later, it would be nice if I could play a game with you that we both have a teetering grasp of the ruleset for, and we can both make mistakes and both correct each other. So, go for the whole 9 yards, but if you don't retain it all, no worries, after we play our 6th game of it over the weekend, we will have those rules down pat!

And BaM is truly an innovator among wargames, the system loosely borrows from other games, but doesn't really use any tried and true wargame standards, which is totally refreshing. Direct combat is really used as a last resort because the attacket tends to take more casualties (which makes sense assaulting defended positions), whereas flanking maneuvres solely benefit the attacker. The road movement is a bit tricky to grasp, but I think I have it down. I really wanna try and learn this one, it is so highly regarded by people that I seem to have similar gaming tastes with. So, if you feel a wild hair and want to D/L the rules and look them over (you can also get a map from BGG as a reference), that would be cool too, though I don't expect you to.

As far as Ghaydor goes, since I don't actively PLAY Khabor, I am immune from any gh4y calling, instead, I can sit back and call you all fagorts because you play games with faggy toy soldiers! You can ALL set sail for fagot!

Getting more and more excited every day for GenCon!

Heather and I played some of my new rugby game, Crash Tackle, and it is pretty fun! Feels like rugby, if you have ever watched it, and it is a total departure from Blood Bowl. The primary reason being you don't actually tackle on your turn, you are TACKLED on your turn, which doesn't end your turn, instead it is a common tactic for moving the ball because then both attacker and defender are down, and another attacker can then pick up the ball and run through the new gap. It's pretty chaotic, for sure, but by the end of our hour of playtime, I definately started seeing some strategies. I will bring it to GenCon and it will sit on the shelf for the duration.
Global Warming my Ass

I disagree with that global warming bullshit. I am way too cold right now for that shit to be true. Besides I think that is a conspiracy. Stupid Eskimos like it cold, so they have been faking the measurements of the ice caps and zombified most of the North Pole scientists to be their own marionettes. They claim they are getting smaller and even made up their own satellite movie studio set much like the lunar landings. Truth is they want this planet colder. Fuggers! You know what they say, "Cheel!"

Family circus is the worst. Uggg. Marmaduke is bad, but Circus is teh blurst.

jr0n: I informed david that he is gh3y for playing Khabor. To drive home the point I salted his croissant with my new retaliatory scorched Earth tactic, a la Rome v. Carthage style. The technique is sweet and involves three toothpicks and a salt shaker. Then we both ate the croissant in celebration of Bender's fine cooking while declaring, "Uggg, that is the saltiest thing I have eaten and I once ate a heaping bowl of salt..." Oh shit this makes Elzar gh3y! Although Elzar doesn't like Vodka, so he isn't a pussy.

Elzar: I will send you cash money to send the terraineous maximus up to me. I would also like two AmPm hamburgers side by each. Can you let me know how much there is, volumetrically speaking of course? Also is their a particular section of the ASL rules that I should focus on, or just the whole 9 yards. The more I though about it, Bonapatite at Manga looks very interesting. Very different system that I don't think I have seen before.

Global Warming: Total Bullshit!


Can't wait for the ice caps to melt in the next 50-100 years. That'll be fun.
Calamity Card: Flood All tokens removed from board

You may have heard, a monstrous storm/typhoon sweeped over my part of dodge over the weekend causing havoc to the power grid, water supply, and communication systems. There were stranded vehicles in the flooded areas, the wind skidded cars off the roads and flushed it into drainage dictes. 2 cars, I saw, somehow got lifted onto 2 hedge walls, probably lifted by the high water. Manila and where I live were the hardest hit. There is absolutely no lights, computers, aircon available. Supposedly the power will be restored by tuesday (tentative from the gov) There are some areas already restored but the damage is extensive. According to some locals, this has been the worst typhoon theyve had in a decade. Since friday, I did not take a shower and ranked of hot beaded sweat.

I arranged a quick departure to the Hong Kong for the next few days. The airport even had a blackout right before I got on the plane. I wonder how the plane even left.

Needless to say it's been interesting. I was going to videotape the whole storm and upload it on google, but I didn't have a camera on me at the time.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Family Circus, no doubt. BUt that Marmaduke page was definately good. I don't think I ever really looked at a Marmaduke very closely. Oh, reminds me of the Garfield that one website takes all the text out of - that was another classic find.

Sounds like a cool show jon. I remember us all going to Tom Petty at the hollywood bowl, haha. I was just at the bowl a few weekends ago to see Ryan Adams (he opened for Willie Nelson.) They've changed it a little, and it definately sounds better and there's jumbo-screens also so you can see better. BUT, best thing about that place is you can bring in yer own food and booze, and there's always cheap ass tickets for the shows, so it was pretty fun.

Just finished re-reading Cryptonomicon. Wow, still a really good book. The ending made perfect sense to me this time around - I think I ran thru it so fast the first time, I totally misunderstood the very last scene. Yeah man, he's a good writer. I'm gonna give another go at Quicksilver, but I have a feeling I'm gonna end up skimming it again or not even finishing it. It still has the bookmark in it from when I first got the book and it looks like I made it through a quarter of it. Rough.
Fucking Flu.

I had something witty to say/share, but after reading all of the posts I've missed in the last week-ish.. I forgot what it was. I, for one, blame Aaron.

Questio nof the ages: Which is more unfunny.. Marmaduke or Family Circus?