Sunday, July 17, 2005

Davinci Code 1,3,9,16,25,36

Yeah, it's a fairly linear read, but It's really the factual based information that Dan writes about thats enticing. It's also a bit propagandish, against the religious faithful, but i'm sure there are a few books out there that outlines the same naturalistic viewpoints. I'll definitely pick up the other books youre mentioning!

Okay! waitlisted on the flight, have not recieved confirmation but 27th *eek* hopefully i'll be getting a flight and i'll be back home. I'm staying for 3 weeks but here's my ten MUST do things list-

1. Take aaron out on a celebration/drinking for his new job. Preferably the night before he starts, then the next day he'll have a hangover and when asked to work, he'll just say "don't feel like doing anything right now". This will also double for the b-day dinner i still haven't dished out!

2. Fix my nose problem

3. Continue the day of million games with Jahohn and friends, Game of thrones, Miniatures, Economic based games that eric hates, Donkey conga

4. Go shopping at the mall for clothes and other necessities so i won't have to dress like my clothes are from high school... wait

5. Settle some bills and shit like that

6. Plan some trips to SF, Brentwood, maybe even Majic mountain or Universal... maybe

7. why does lists always have to be 10 items? think of the rest later