Saturday, September 11, 2004

From a post over at about what jon was saying about that thar game:
From what I've heard, Hasbro signed an exclusive contract with Walmart for the first X copies. However, the first printing wasn't enough alone to cover that, so Walmart hasn't even gotten all of it's stock yet.

That's a bummer. I had zero interest in the game beforehand, but now I'm all "ohhhh!" must be a good one! People on the forums are saying it's pretty fun and that the pieces alone are worth the money. But fucking walmart? What a bummer - that's the last place I'd really wanna do busyness.

Passion of the Jew - Honestly Johnny, I went in seeing that movie (or d/ling it at least) with plenty of preconcieved notions about how sucky it would be. They were all fullfilled. Gibson comes from a crazy sub-set of catholicism. His dad is practically a nazi (doesn't believe in the friggin' holocaust!? WTF?) Etc etc...

My main beef with that flick johnny is that it seems like an obvious piece of propaganda. Jesus was a man of peace, correct? This film wasn't about peace, it was about gettin' you all pissed off and upset inside about what them "crazy jews" did to jesus. It focused on the violence committed against him (over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again) but it didn't give any insight into why the hell the son of god would allow that to happen to himself. I know the bible johnny - I'm catholic. I know as a filmmaker, if you wanna make a movie thats all about the gorey details of the jews killing jesus - go for it! But just because it was graphic as hell, doesn't make it "good" in my book. I think Jesus is one hell of an interesting character from history, and I'm sure someday someone will make a decent movie about his existance, but "the passion" wasn't it. It just felt cheap as hell to me.

"It's all -- maybe not all fiction -- but most of it is," he said, adding that the gas chambers and crematoria at camps like Auschwitz would not have been capable of exterminating so many people.

"Do you know what it takes to get rid of a dead body? To cremate it?" he said. "It takes a litre of petrol and 20 minutes. Now, six million of them? They (the Germans) did not have the gas to do it. That's why they lost the war." -Hutton Gibson

(You grow up with that shit as your father, youre bound to be at least a little fucked-up too!)