Thursday, February 28, 2008

| My life is complete.

The Blood Bowl game has plans to be released on the DS. It's like the developers looked into my brain 15 years ago and realized what a great idea (for me) to put Blood Bowl on a Gameboy!

Also, I am pre-registered for Kubla as of about 3 hours before your post d00d! I am in like Flynn! And I guess since no one is really playing much Warmachine anymore (whoopee!) we will just have to play more Combat Commander, Hannibal, C&C:A, and of course ASLSK.

Rudy and Denis planning on making the sojourn from SoCal?

PS The Space Hulk game is actually a lot of fun. The AI is pretty good, and it has the ever so crack-like addiction inducing feature of a campaign game with ranks and unit bonuses. Also, in a few days I believe they will be releasing a patch for some bugs, gameplay, and I THINK, the Deathwing missions and weapons! Huzzargh!