Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hey guys! I don't know about you bunch of fuckin' pro-gay marriage, faggot Republigays, but I'm pleased as punch with the election results. I stayed up late (midnight! ooh!), watched Daily Show, did that whole thing.

Convention Time approaches! Or as we sometimes spell it now: Khunvhensheyyunnuneynnn Ttyyihhiehmmmemiilemmelimmeeeeeeee. It is our way. I'm looking forward to another weekend of trying to select a game and Dirty Sanchezes. Actually I think the proper plural of that is Dirty Sancheezi.

More good news yesterday. In addition to the good news out of the government vis a vis no longer having so many shitbags in office, we got the word that we are approved for our new place. Hooray! You might remember that I moved in with the ladyfriend at the start of October. That was into her 1-bedroom place while we waited out the lease on her place, but still got to avoid the plague of rats at my old place. However we immediately started looking and we just got this place that is somehow even CLOSER to Enron than before. Someday soon he will open his cupboard and we will jump out of it Trainspotting style. But until then we have a cute little 2-bedroom place with enough room for the two of to hide from each other when one is pissed. And plenty of storage space. I am pleased.

Enron-Myke, what's going on this weekend? I am pretty much a solo bachelor this Saturday-Sunday and would love to get together one/both of those days. Note that I just assume that you guys will want to hang out with me every moment of free time that I have. I'm basically egotistical like that.

Also one of you guys should update the game spreadsheet for Sunday's game. Aeryk? You haven't played any board games since your rousing game of Kahuna on 9/24? I hate to crack the whip but you guys will thank me in 20 years when we're almost 100, looking back on a lifetime of shared experiences.