Monday, October 01, 2012
Community was so awesome the first few seasons. Then, got kind of stale for me. But there are some episodes in there are are absolutely all-time-epic.
We've been kind of watching a new show called Copper, about a police man / detective guy from just after the Civil War era in NYC. Very good! Gritty and there's a lot of moral ambiguity and flaws to the characters, which I think makes the whole show pretty solid. Highly recommend.
We took up DirecTV on their offer of ALL THE THINGS for $5 a month through the end of the year. Been binging on movies late at night, kiddos are enjoying having some of the HBO Family programming. But there's no fuckin' way I'm blowing an extra $70 a month for this shit when the offer runs out. Who pays that? It'd put my cable, internet and phone package up around $250 a month, lol... and I'm already not happy about spending $150. Madness.
FTL thoughts:
Unlocked the Slug cruiser, yay! Haven't played with it yet though.
I had one of the most evil rigs of all time setup over the weekend in a play-through sesh... it was basically a Fire Beam and Anti-Personel Beam combo that would set all their shit on fire and then zap the enemy crew out of existence while they fought the fires. Poor guys. LOL, not gonna lie, it felt a little dirty.