Saturday, September 01, 2012
Bread Mania!
Yeah, it's super easy and really very delicious. I can't wait to try out throwing some rosemary and garlic in there and see what happens, lol. For the record, I don't own a pizza stone anymore and on the second attempt I didn't even pre-heat the pan I used to bake it on, haha.
Here's how it came out when I did the two loaves and then the single loaf. Keep in mind on the second, single-loaf attempt I bent the rules as far as I think they could probably go and still produce edible material, lol. Second attempt, didn't even use an electric mixer, only mixed twice by hand, did not punch it down after resting, did not score prior to going in the oven, the OVEN messed up and didn't come up to temperature so 20 minutes in I had to brush it with butter, kick it back on and shove it in again for 10 more minutes. It came out awesome anyway. I'm convinced that the margin of error on this is nearly idiot proof (hey, I managed to pull it off a couple times now! haha). Anyway, here's the pics (oh, did you do the 1/4 cup of water in the bottom of the oven trick before closing the door? That's so COOL! I have literally no idea how "wet" produces a crispier crust... that's just alchemy to me: