Friday, April 22, 2011
Nazi Neat Freak vs Coughing Hag
speaking of strangeness and compulsive behavior, my housemate is extremely neat. Now, that's great in some moderation, but it's one of those compulsive behaviors where she has to have everything in that particular order/spot and only that. I have an Uncle who is Bacteriaphobic and resembles similar behavior. Example, she has to have the coffee pot in that particular corner, kitchen napkins on a spot, and I can't have anything else laying around. Basically the kitchen has to be neat and tidy. In a way it's kinda cool, it tends to remind me to just make sure I keep everything nice and neat to avoid any issues, but in some way, I just don't feel 100% sure I'm comfortable. Sometimes I just feel I want to be lazy and maybe leave a couple items out. God forbid, I leave out a pan. you know? Or is this the same with all women?