Friday, September 26, 2008

| Warhammer Online

I have heard mixed reviews, as is the case with anything, but hearing your opinions are certainly more useful and interesting to me than from other sources. I THINK I know your opinions on PvP and groups and all that (I think you don't care for them), it is telling that you don't seem displeased with the heavy emphasis on PVP in WAR.

I don't really like PVP WOW style either, infact I have exactly 5 PVP kills in Docnorvell's lifetime. I was turned off to WAR because of the heavy, almost integral, PVP elements to the game. Then other bits I heard described the PVP as so essential, it was almost like a PVE with smart AI, and it happens so much that it has a different feeling than WOW PVP which reeks of everything that Enron says is bad about WOW - n00b calling, swearing, childish antics, min/maxing, etc.

WAR sounds more and more interesting, but since you are probably going to pass due to PC restrictions, I will probably pass as well and see if I can ding 64 with Doc before Wrath of the Lich King comes out and I am depressed because not only have I not hit 70, but now I have to hit 80!

But still, it is Warhammer and I have always liked the World, no matter how cliche and derivative it is, it still is embedded in my DNA to some extent. At least 3rd edition WHFB, WFRP, and Rogue Trader is, the new stuff not so much. Very tempted....

- RB Update: So I am playing an 8 song set for what I guess is my album deal or something, and I rock the crap out of the first 6 songs, and then they spring Painkiller on me. Not a problem normally, but I was so fatigued by that time I just could not get past the ridiculous solo part and failed 4 times in a row, losing 200k fans along the way. It is currently on pause with the TV turned off in the garage.... will... not... admit... defeat.... Will report back if the Red Rings of Death greet me when I return to my home tonight.

- Started reading the Harry Dresden Files at work. About 20 pages into it and it is a fun, light read so far. Just finished reading World War Z prior, and I swear to goD there is a game in that book just screaming to be realized. I took copious notes along the way as to how it might work, so we shall see.

- Added an RSS feed (finally) to The Action Team, so I can now read all the non-existent new AT posts from my Outlook at work! And you can too with your cool iPhone, freeware, non-MS product, cooler than thou, RSS readers too!