Saturday, September 02, 2006

Musings, VOL XXVII

- Strategicon is holding another convention this weekend, God love 'em. I'm going to hit it up for a short stint, and see if this time anyone shows up for the ASL at 10am... last time I was left alone at a table maked ASL in a room full of Eurogames. I cried, but it was good. Very cathartic. I will report back any findings.

- I am (foolishly) working on a wiki for The Action Team. If I can get it the way I want it, I think it would be a neat addition to the AT world. We could document EVERYTHING we ever want AT related. Right now I can't really get the blog to work right on the main page, so until I do, it is a no go. I need to re-learn CSS for formatting, not that I really ever learned it the first time, so if anyone wants to help, that would be awesome. (*crickets, crickets*)

- Subbuteo is a rad game! Check out some videos of gameplay!

- We are definitely coming up to Santa Cruz Sept. 14 - 17, maybe 18th, to look at houses, family, etc. Leslie and the boy should be in good hands if I were to abandon them to come up to the Fabulous Bay Area for a meal and a game or two, lemme know what everyone's schedule is up there.

- Awesome Jon!