Sunday, August 27, 2006

Congrats jon! on the promo.

Now just sit at your desk and do 15 min of actual work. It goes far to join on the WOW bandwagon with all your other co-workers. =D

I just read the grapes of wrath. Never bothered reading it in Cooks class and i'm not sure how I passed the Quizzes but whatever that was eons ago. The book was paint-dry boring, pretty stagnant. Like a black and white movie from the 60's. couldn't read it all the way through in one sitting. It's also hard to grasp the emotional aspect since I didn't live through the great depression. It's like trying to associate to the tyranny of the french revolution. I understand the significance, of the event, but honestly, I could care less.

I'm a 21st century digital boy!