Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Provost Fucks

Is a rad band I just made up. They toured with Shit Sandwich and Anal Cunt back in '86, I was there, and I was motherfucking, cocksucking punk about it. Shit man, sucking cock was punk as Police Truck fuck in '86.

SHIT SHIT SHIT, mother-ass, shit! I forgot I wanna play Bonaparte at Marengo too! Jesus H. R. R. Martin Christ! How can I forget this one! Fuck!

A few other, that may or may not be worth mentioning for a play are as follows:

- For Sale (will take 15 minutes)
- No Thanks! (will take 10 minutes)
- Ra. MAYBE, but given the option between Ra and ASL...
- Hive? Not against jr0n anyway...