Friday, June 10, 2005

Holy shit! It's Art!

Yeah, so.. like that. Seriously bummed that I missed the Con.. but, the good news is that we ACTUALLY HAVE RENTERS and they've paid real United States currency to our property management company. Too fucking bad it's two months after we thought that we'd have renters. Talk about a serious suckage of fundage. Ah well, all is well. I'm alive.

Haylee continues to grow and learn and really freak me out now that she's sort of evolving into personhood. She now is fully mobile including pulling herself up to coffee-table height and bookshelf-height (weeee! *Gleefully tosses DVDs about the livingroom*) I'm just very thankful that things have worked out so that I get to spend these formative months at home with her. I really wouldn't trade it for the world.

Lessee.. what else. Oh, I nearly burned the house down today when the BBQ grease pan caught fire. I couldn't remember if it was flour or baking soda that put out grease fires, so I guessed... wrong. Word to the wise.. throwing flour onto a grease fire produces a massive fireball. Being that the BBQ is underneath an overhang of the second floor of this house.. and that the fireball scorched the underside of the patio.. and that the grease fire went on for probably 5-10 minutes before I detected it (was pre-heating for some chicken).. it's a miracle that it didn't melt down, blow up, or otherwise set the patio furniture on fire or the house-proper. You should have seen the flames billowing out of the thing.. LOL..

Sigh. Anyway..

I've been spending most (all) of my free time cranking on learning to do 3D modelling in XSI, and am happy to report that I now know that I know very little. The fun just begins with the actual 3D model, aparently. Now I need to learn to UV map, texture, skin, and skeleton/joint the models. Weee. In all seriousness, it's a ton of fun.. like drawing in .. well.. three dimensions. I'm enjoying the creative outlet and ability to project what's in my head onto the screen.

Here's my latest work in progress, a sort of all-purpose patrol vehicle. It's a three-man, three-treaded job.. still not completed, but getting closer. It needs some detail work and some finishing work on the suspension.. but the shape is there:

Outrider concept vehicle, front view
Outrider concept vehicle, rear view

Ciao! I'll try to not be so sparse.

Hey San-Fran crowd.. there's a strong possibility that I'll be in town for a Raider game this fall (probably the San Diego game).. maybe we can rouse a little gaming and drunken tribulations?