Monday, November 19, 2012
Hahaha! I totally remember that historic Battle of Britain moment haha
We even had that sexy flight yoke thing. It was like I saw the whole thing happening in slow motion... NOOOOOooooooo HIT THE J KEYYYYYY AAAAAAAARON!!! NOOOOOOO!!!
Yeah, I lost many a nights' sleep to that game. This one looks so effing amazing. I pledged for an upgraded ship to get the lifetime free insurance on it. Will use it to make money to earn / own other ships. The Kickstarter campaign (combind with the fundraising on their home site) ended at over 6.2 or 6.3 MILLION dollars.. holy shit that's amazing.
That basically unlocked a full orchestral score, playable capital ships! Cruisers and even the Bengal Carrier will be player controllable in-game at launch. 100 star systems at launch and for me, the most important part, 70-80 campaign missions to play offline (and get more cash to bring online towards upgrades, ships, etc).
Had a crisis moment right at the end there, almost switched my pledge from the Firefly-ish Constellation over to the newly unlocked Retaliator Heavy Bomber. Would have meant a loss of the little snub fighter tucked into the Constellation's bay, loss of some maneuverability but a gain of a shitload of missiles / torpedoes and bristling with turrets for defense. But the donation page was going up and down so much on the RSI website that my credit card remained safe, lol. Looks like I'll be sticking with my base pledge. The pre-alpha stuff they're showing off already is CRAZY impressive. It already looks AAA quality to me. I can't imagine it will be much more than 6-9 months until they have the alpha released.
Until then, gonna have to go download a copy of Wing Commander III / IV to scratch that itch I think, lol.