Monday, October 29, 2012
Speaking of movies
Went and saw Silent Hill 3D with the wifey this weekend, which is interesting on a few levels:
1. She has this thing where she gets WAY too personally connected with characters in movies, ergo... she does not do well with scary movies. Like freaking the fuck out, screaming and punching you "not well".
2. This was actually her idea. lol
3. Silent Hill 3D was not really very scary..? Which seems a bit weird to say, because it's, well, a horror film. Outside of a couple of "jump out at you" things which might as well have been ANYTHING jumping out at you with a sudden audio screech... it was graphically a little bit interesting I guess.
4. Sean Bean got to add another scene to his death reel. (have you seen this on youtube? pretty funny actually!)
5. TOTALLY should have driven an extra 10 minutes to the cheapo Starplex to catch The Dark Knight Rises instead.
6. However, then we probably would not have gone to this little neighborhood bar / grill place we've been hearing about "Top of Tacoma"... which was amazingly awesome! Had a dinner and four nice beers for $17! Super awesome deal, plus everyone was super friendly. Great time there, will probably go back if we wind up having a parents' night out again.
7. There was some kind of super shitty B-movie on one of the TV sets and the main guy was an actor that we sat there for a few minutes going... MAN, I KNOW THAT GUY, WHO IS THAT? Only to realize that it was a younger Chairman from Iron Chef America... LOL
8. I should really look up that movie, it was so bad it was awesome. If you took Predator, Alien, and Indiana Jones and BLATANTLY ripped them off to create a B-movie... this would be it.
Check this shit out! Keep in mind this is as GOOD as they could make it look... haha.. it's so terrible. But I completely got sucked in. :(