Saturday, October 09, 2010
Scott "Debates" Pilgrim - Kill all the vampires
Scott Pilgrim: I haven't seen the movie but I was curious about the comic and picked up the entire series, Vol 1-6, for around $23 bucks on Amazon. At the book store they're about $12 bucks each, so this was a massive deal. Just read the first book and it's really good! I highly recommend it. Very much feels a part of "our generation", similar to how MicroSerfs felt back in the day. I'll see the movie after I finish the series. If you look up book 1 on Amazon (it's $3.63) there's a "buy 1-3 together and save X dollars" - so buy that 3 pack and then look up book 4 and find the 4-6 together to do the same. Bargain! I suspect they over-stocked it for the movie or something.