Monday, October 04, 2010

| BR

The special lady friend and I just picked up tickets to see BR on 11/19. Looking forward to seeing them in concert again. I saw them on their last tour and I was quite glad I did. They really have a knack for revitalizing my interest in that era of punk and they really put on a solid show. I haven't heard the new album but I think I will check it out.

I just got my passport renewal back the other day. I can not believe it has only been 10 years since eLzar and I went to Europa. That seems like eons ago.

Just a head's up, the Gen Con Indy 2011 dates have been announced: August 4-7, 2011. Badge registration begins in January and it sounds like January will also be when "Housing Opens". So, once we have a badge, we can reserve rooms as part of the Gen Con hotel block.
