Monday, March 11, 2013
A little better each day
I'm able to walk around without a cane now, so that's progress. I was bitching today that I get so damned tired so fast just from standing or slowly walking around. I feel like a geezer. My wife quickly reminded me that I just had MAJOR EFFING SURGERY 10 DAYS AGO, DON'T PUSH IT... so, yeah, I got that reality check. lol
Weird how when I was perfectly healthy all I really wanted to do was sit around the house and play with my boy. And now that I'm all effed up, all I want to do is get out of the house and be back to health again. Weird, that.
Have a couple of big follow up tests/appointments this week. Will likely determine the ease / difficulty of recovery for me moving forward. I could use a couple of wins, for sure! Trying to stay positive.
The psuedo-narcolepsy thing I got going on is totally screwing with my sleep schedule. When I got home today I put my leg up and started checking some emails. Next thing I know I wake up 3 hours later after passing out, lol. Now it's 2AM and I'm just starting to get sleepy again. Madness. At least Michelle's mom flew in to help out. I have no idea how we'd be doing all this without her help.