Tuesday, November 13, 2012
I am completely high on the koolaid
And went ahead and pledged for an RSI Constellation. WOOOOO! :) It was a hard choice but I figure for the price of a cup of coffee or two a month I get to support a game I REALLY want to be made, and once it's out, I get a really sweet ride. The bonus is, any pledge ships have free "insurance" on them, so if they get blown up for any reason, they are replaced in perpetuity. I think the 'Stella will be a great rig to make money with so I can afford to buy smaller ships. It's being billed as in the same vein/class as the Millenium Falcon, so a high end cargo ship with some wiggle. Plus, it has so many configurable bays that you can really kit it out to do anything... exploration / mining, some trade runs/smuggling, and it wouldn't be hard to set it up as a gunship.
Builder: Roberts Space Industries
Crew (max): 4
Mass (empty): 75,000 kg
Focus: Long-Range Mercantile / Space Superiority
When you think handsome bounty hunter making his own way in a galaxy of enemies, you think the Constellation. The Constellation, a multi-person freighter, is the most popular ship in RSI’s current production array. Constellations are beloved by smugglers and merchants alike because they are modular, high powered… and just downright iconic-looking. The Constellation includes a manned turret, a large cargo area and a small flight deck capable of launching a snub fighter in its own defense.
Upgrade Capacity: 14
Cargo Capacity: 35 tonnes
Modifiers: 4
Max. Class: Anti-Matter
Thruster Class: 4 x TR6, 8 x TR3
2 x Class 1: Equipped 2 x Behring M3A Laser Cannon
4 x Class 2: Equipped 2 x A&R Pike IV Neutron Gun
6 x Class 3: Equipped 2 x Behring Judge missiles (Friend or Foe)
2 x Class 4: Equipped 1x Behring M5A Laser Cannon (turret)
Tender -
Short Range P52 Space Fighter
Similar to… Paradigm, Salvia, Armored Transport, Millennium Falcon
Only 9-12 months until alpha! lol
I haven't been this excited about a game for probably a decade.