Friday, December 09, 2011
Agricola is awesome! Finally played a few games this week and we both had a blast. First game was kind of hell to get through and we made a grip of mistakes, but after that it all clicked and was really fun. You totally care about your strange little farm :) We were playing the "family" version minus occupations and minor improvements, but I think we're good to go with the full version next time. Gonna buy a pack of better animeeples n shit cuz those fucking blocks don't cut it.
Poor WoW. I played for like 2 days on a free server and had a TEENY bit of fun, but it's day has just passed. Star Wars MMO was pretty cool and I may pick it up if anyone else does, but the reality of the sitch is that it's still the same kind of game as WoW and I think I'm not into those time sinks anymore. But, we'll see!