Sunday, May 23, 2010

No Sweat dude, not really needing a ride now... I'm trying the new Chinatown bus , we'll see how THAT goes. It's a direct route versus the Grey hound that takes the 101 SCENIC route and 8-9 stops, 10-12 hour rides. There will probably be less gangster elements, since it's a Chinatown deal, unless the affluent triads takes bus rides. Second, it's from SFO to Sanjose to Montrey Park so how bad can that be???

Ok - i'm heading down to Boba zone right now to go taste test the Boba. - will provide the report later. Coffee Milk Tea - wtblurb is that?

And regarding the Mind Blowing thing, i think I read somewhere they are talking about making a Blood Bowl CCG. So, if it happens maybe, you will need to reserve the other hemisphere, for the other half to be naded? Just a thought.