Saturday, February 06, 2010

Aww you lucky ducks, have fun gaming this weekend! Wish I was there! Or in Japan with Denny! Or even Italy with Mike!

I started bootcamp again this week so I've been getting up every morning around 430am, getting to bootcamp for hardcore work out at 530am, then a full days work. I'm SO fucking exhausted, I basically spent my entire Friday off sleeping, or being in a state of near-sleep. It's a good tired because it's mostly physical and I'm already getting used to it, but I still haven't gotten my sleep schedule in line yet. So right now it's midnight and I'm suddenly half-wide awake/half-sleepy.

Saw your twat Eric about the game you guys almost made. I still don't know why that never happened (I think you said you can't really talk about it) but total bummer :(. I actually think about it every once in a while. I remember the videos of gameplay with your voiceovers that you had on some promotional site.

Speaking of quirky-games, check out this QuickLook for Darwinia+: Video Game Video. I've never played the PC version but I might pick this up because this looks really interesting and fun. I'm just a sucker for heavily stylized games with a unique art style (N+ being one of my favorites.)

Another random thing: I just recently have gotten into nuts! I never liked nuts growing up, but in like the last month or 2, I'm all about eating nuts. Pistachio's are my favorites. Sunflower seeds can eat a dick because I still can't figure out an elegant way to eat them. I just mash them in my mouth like an animal. Still don't like peanut butter though.