Enemy O' Fun and Breaker of Plans
As it ends up, perhaps the idea of leaving Leslie alone here for a few days with not only 3 houseguests, but houseguests with a kid that is on a different schedule than Wylie (ie cries when Wylie tries to sleep), and not being able to sleep in our regular bed, and having the kitchen out of use for a few days because of remodeling, was not a so well thought out plan.
Apologies to all in SF that were looking forward to my visit (again), but this whole kid + outside elements that are not the usual schedule + one parent to deal = bad idea for Eric to visit SF.
It would have been fun, partuculary cause I think Enron turns Old this weekend, right? Saturday?
Alas, one day, perhaps when things are normal around here, I will be able to skip town and sleep on a lovely floor, and play some lovely games, and eat delicious garlic fries, once again!
Sorry Enron if you scheudled your half-day and had to waste it.