Thursday, October 20, 2005

I Like Cake

So, Eric will be pleased because I actually tried to program my fantasy hockey team tonight. Must confess, parts of the strategy, and especially the 'ranking' system still elude me... it's hard to know which players are better or whether the team I have is as good as it's going to be, however, I feel more connected to the league now, and think it will be lots of fun. Hooray!

Jon and Enron - sorry I didn't reply straight away. Cool paintjobs! I haven't taken pictures of my pathetic attempts yet because I'm unsure of how to post pictures on teh blog. Oh, maybe its that thing that says picture at the top of the page? Yep, that's what is is... hmm, ok prepare to enjoy some FANTASTIC paint jobs... it's like I never knew how to paint. Sad, so many hours of youth spent on a skill only to lose it before the age of 30. So sad. Much like my accounting skills, but at least I can recover those... painting - I'm not so sure.

Johnny - I hope you're still alive! Are you coming to GenCon?
Art - Are YOU coming to GenCon? Come'on! The last time I saw you it was JP's Birthday party and the infamous 'Wheaties Box' made its final flight!
Ryan - How are your earthlings shaping up? Do you too feel that you've lost all of your painting skills? Maybe we should form a support group?

Dennis - lets' face it, you never read the blog... or at least you never post... but people in glass houses shouldn't, so I won't.

Rudy - It will be really good to see you at the Con. Hang in there man, we'll all survive easier one day.

Don't you think Saddam is looking quite dapper these days? I do. Him and Hal Fishman. Which reminds me, I ran past Mr. Joffe on the strand the other day... *he* did NOT look dapper at all.
