Sunday, May 20, 2012
Anyone want a used copy of Diablo III?
Oh wait, that's just not possible anymore.
I'm sort of tired of it. More of the same, followed by some sameness, and likeness of things from before.
Click, hold button, 'splosions of attacks, blood, loot, do it again. It feels very railroady and one-dimensional. Sure, there are skills and whatnot that let you sort of change how you click and hold the button down to make massive splosions of attacks, but it's just not enough to keep me interested.
Obligatory WoW comparison: Seeing as WoW is sort of the successor in a lot of ways to Diablo (loot, skill trees, trash mobs, etc.), I would rather play WoW and get a much more rich experience. Also, Torchlight does the same thing on a budget.
All in all, I'm disappointed in myself for being woo'ed by the shininess of D3 and should have stuck to my guns and not picked it up.
Probably only of interest to Mike and maybe Denis: Speaking of WoW, I've not been playing much (at all), but our neighbors, who are long time WoWers but have been taking a break since the wife/mom started nursing school, will be coming back into the fold. Dad, Mom, and two 17 year old daughters = 4 more meatspace people (and if the mom has her way, she's gonna get Leslie to at least TRY WoW for a bit...) to do some dungeons, raids, etc. I'll let everyone know what's up as I learn more! I'm sending my scroll of resurrection to her right now! :)