Tuesday, May 20, 2008

| Khanvenshun Potpourri

Elzar the Gozarian: That is a good idea. I think between you and Jon we will have enough coffee for the weekend. Ill chip in a few bucks to the coffee fund. I will even bring tea for you fuckers... So I can Teabag you whilst you sleep! Yes! Also, I have not seen Star Wars: Queens Gambit.

jr0n: I have heard similar comments about the new Indy movie. Given all that has transpired with Lucas's bat-shit crazy megalomania in the past decade, I should say this could have been a lot worse. Of course, we shall see this Thursday.

There is a remote chance DaveDefeat will be at the convention Thursday and Friday, returning to LA Friday late or Saturday early. I still can't believe that he has to work at the Poop on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The owner told my father that David was by far the most responsible employee he has. Oh dear, that is scary.

Rood: I liked the Good Shepard, but it is definitely on the drier side. Not the kind of movie I would go out of my way to watch a second time around but a good story none the less.

I watched the Indy movies this weekend, and I have to say that my perceptions of the movies have definitely changed. After not watching it for many years, my distaste for Temple of Doom has changed significantly in a positive direction. Perhaps this can be attributed to the fact that I am mostly over the casting of Speilbergo's wife as a main character. I seem to have encapsulated my annoyance at the character and view the rest of the movie in a revised perspective unweighted by this burden. On the other hand, the sort of silly slap stick humor that comes and goes throughout all of the movies seems strike me as a bit juvenile at times. Just a little something that didn't bother me as a kid. Not that I don't think the movies are great, just not as high up on the pedestal as before. Still movies worth owning and viewing again from time to time.
