Monday, August 22, 2005

Idea #1,407

What about a wargame that uses the buildable plastic pieces a-la Pirates of the Spanish Main, the ease of play of DBA (or Mighty Armies, a simplified version of DBA used by Mongoose Publishing), the collectibility of CCG's or Pirates of the Spanish Main, and the effectively low cost of a CCG to play (vs a true miniatures wargame).

I'm thinking each two cards could make one unit. One card would have the stats and rules, as well as the base, which has most of the rules present, and the other card has the punch out pieces that make the unit 3D:

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Kinda like that, where each piece looks like the unit from either the front, side or rear, and then maybe sticking another piece in the middle to fill out the look:

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Like that. You know, different armies with random assortments in booster packs, and maybe an army specific started pack with the rules, and other necessary counters and rulers or something.

As long as it is not a copyrighted method of making a game, which I'm not sure it is because before PotSM, there were those foam Z-Toys cards (remember those from past cons? Dinosaurs vs. cars vs. fighter planes?), I think it could be neat, quick play, inexpensive little wargame.

Thoughts? Flames? Reasons why this idea sucks and would never work?