Friday, April 19, 2013

| Immobile Gaming Unit I

We will be calling this little ditty home from now on:,49+Loma+Ave,+La+Selva+Bch,+CA+95076&gl=us&ei=PblxUfCSGKiMiAKG6YHIBQ&ved=0CDQQ8gEwAA

It has a driveway, a garage, a yard, an outside shower, holes in the floor, gophers, and a fantastically faded and peeling coat of paint.  Hopefully we'll be moving by the end of the month, and then AWWWW YEAH, it's on for some gaming, yo!

And yes, I have thought about some crazy Cthulhu LARPs in the nearby woodsy/farm/bramble areas.