
Saturday, July 09, 2005

Not you Enron! Some jark from wark

Maybe you did mention that to me? I must've forgotten somehow. But no, some guy from work told me while we were on the shuttle. i just assumed he was full of it. Although I have to admit, they really do resemble AT-ATs. Maybe it's true.

I thought the Juan Cruz factor in WotW was pretty low and that he kind of faded into the background with all the destruction and everything keeping me pretty occupied. But then he doesn't really bug me (as an actor -- as a human he seems a bit pants).

* The only guy who shouldn't have been in that role is the guy from King of Queens. Fuck that goddamn piece of shit in his fucking moron brain, fuck him, I hate him so bad. And that fucking "wife" of his, her with her goddamn glossy brown lipstick. What the fuck is with that show? And that fucking shithead old guy from Seinfeld? "Listen to me, how loud I am! Now you'll laugh while I yell some more! I'm not saying anything funny... but I SURE AM LOUD!" People watch that shit? Jesus F* (*Fucking) Christ.

On another note, there was this trailer for a movie that looked awesome. I've seen it four or five times now and I'm getting really excited about it and maybe you guys have heard of it. It's called Stealth, starring Jaime Foxxworthy. Check it out: he's a hot shit pilot who saves the country, and then he relaxes with the ladies. But then, he learns they've developed a super plane, one with Artificial Intelligence, and it's out to replace the other pilots. Well, for a while they fly missions with the plane, but then... lightning strikes the plane, and it rewires the plane so that it's a terrorist plane. You know what that means. When they developed AI, those guys didn't anticipate lightning. Jaime, bring it on! I can't wait until I see another trailer for it.

Another thing I like are those Fandango commercials. Those are three-minute slices of comedy on par with any of Jonathan Winters (aka "DipShit McGee") ever put out.

... wow, what was all that about?
I actually saw War of the Worlds

... and I didn't hate it. It was actually worth it, imho. I wish I didn't already know the story because the payoff in the end would have bee better. I have talkted to people who saw it and said they felt let-down, but I actually liked it.

Yeah, Tom Cruz is an idiot and clearly out of control. If I hated anything about that movie is that he was in it.
Jon thinks I'm full of shit

I have actually seen very good reviews of War of the Worlds. It looks really cool. I have been quite interested to see the movie, but then Cruise had to open up his movementarium mouth up about psychiatry. What a douche. I mean, Ill admit psychiatry had a pretty checkered past up until about 40 years ago, but still. Those guys are idiots. The worlds largest scam machine, designed to suck people's money away from them.

"Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"

Rude: I have been eyeing Battlestar Galactica for a while, wondering if it is any good. I am kind of a fiend for dark and/or dirty future movies. Especially with ships n' stuff. I'll definately check that out. I loved the original when I was a kid, but when I go back and watch it now, it kind of bugs.

Jon: So does that make me full of shit. I think I was the idiot who told you about the AT-ATs. Damn. You now the commute grows old at times does it not. I go through fits of reading on the train. It is better than if you were driving it though. Blah. Sweet news about the RPG stuff. Maybe I will get to play more than one adventure every 3 years.

Battlestar Cracklactica

I'm just a friggin addict. I'm just glad I never tried any of the hard drugs out there or I'd almost 100% be SO dead in a ditch by now. Yeah, on a whim last weekend I netflixed the Battlestar Galactica mini-series dvd, and was just fuckin' blown away! Right out the bat, it ain't no Firefly (although the Serenity ship has a quick cameo in the miniseries - same space ship computer effects company does this show.) BUT, after watching for like the past month or so non-stop Angel, it's good to watch a non-Whedon show.

Anyways, they basically took the title of the show, character names, and *basic* story idea, and made a completely new show. Very very dark - more drama than anything else, but the acting is sweet and the look and FX of the show are top-notch. Was never a huge fan of the old show (think we missed it by a few years - we're more an A-Team generation, ya?) but yeah, the old Cylons were pretty bad-ass. Without giving anything away, you see the old versions of the Cylons in a museum in the start of the show. The one's now are pretty bad-ass. Oh, it's so good. Anyways, Season 2 starts next weekend, so I just torrented all 13 eps of season 1 over the last 2 days and had marathon tv sessions watchin em.

Least worth checkin out the mini-series dvd. It has a very military/dark/hopeless feel to it, but it's not so depressing you can't watch. I dunno - can't recommend it enough. There's not much tv out there that I watch anymore (it's pretty much background noise these days) but this I really dug - good writing n shit.

- eeze

Friday, July 08, 2005

El Guerro de los Mundos: Una Pelicula de Steven Spielbergo

Any of you guys see this yet? I just got back. Ho-lee shit. A very unsettling movie, with amazing visuals. By which I don't mean special effects (although those are great), but shot composition, and visual imagination. See it for Xenu!

Yeah, I am bummed about my jaerb ending. I'm not sorry to see the end of the commute. It is for shit. I got sick of reading and bought a Japanese RPG for my Gameboy (Riviera, for you l33t p1r4t3s) and I've put like 15 hours into it, all while travelling back and forth. The only good part is passing through Oakland and seeing the cargo loaders at the railyard, which look like a bunch of AT-ATs attacking the city. A friend told me that is where Lucas got inspiration for the Battle of Hoth, but I think he's full of shit.

Oh Enron, one piece of good news. I have found not one but two reasonably normal, personable guys at work who are potentially interested in getting together for some RPG action. This is starting to look like it might actually happen.
Go go gadget tired

Joron: Mordheim just nevar did it for me. I played one or twice with Elzar, but everytime I just didnt get into it. I like Fantasy Minis, and I like the campaign warbandish feel, but it just didnt translate well like WH40K did to Necrophunda. Boooo to the end of your Job.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Hey Enron, that is great news! About Necromunda, not about drinking wine straight out of the bottle while lying down in the shower. That is sad. I am really looking forward to our hellish battles in the Underhive to see who gets the precious, precious Juvies. That's what it's about, right?

Also, what is you guys' take on Mordheim? I remember trying it once in San Diego, but I wasn't in a miniatures kinda mood at the time. I think I was hungry. I know you can get the rules for free these days, but of course I don't really have any terrain for it unless we put out a couple of Wheaties boxes. At the GW store downtown I noticed you can get a box o' Skaven for like thirty bucks. Of course you can also just get Mordheim box sets on ebay for about the same price. That would solve the terrain, rulebook, and miniature needs simultaneously.

I need to play some miniatures games, so I can shut up about miniatures games.

My tenure at Leapfrog is coming to an end pretty soon. It's been good and I've met some cool people. Lots of people have ideas about where to go next so hopefully I can find a longer-term job, one that will lead eventually to a job with more responsibility, benefits, and dare I say, Foosball? In the mean time, I will be riding the Unemployment train straight to Bankruptsville.

Aeryk I think I'll be around LA from the 27th-1st or thereabouts. Are you going to be around?

Rico -- I can't believe you're still playing that shit! Jeebus! At least get into a different addictive game like Guild Wars or City of Heroes or something!
Yo Joe

J:on PEckERnuTz> I am finished with the core rules and I am starting tolook at the sourcebook. Did you know your sourcebook is suffering the perfect bound nightmare. Half the pages just fall out of the book. Boooo! Anyway there is not that much more to go over. Sweet eh?

On a slightly sleazier note. I pulled an Elzar and took a shower while laying on the floor of the tub. Added bonus: I drank wine straight out of the bottle while showering. Awesome. Nothing like drinking alcamahol while showering.

E: I hope the league gets it right this time. They pretty much have to get it right. I hope they institute and actually enforce some good rules to bring the sport back to a more glorious age of skating and stick handling and less players that execute the "Lemme hold on to that stick while I molest you" formula of game play.

Good News, and Bad News.

So, I guess there is going to be a hockey season next year. Here.

Also, London got bombed. Here.

I am sick as fuck. Here.
This is a theme that I modified

So I can't easily change the width. I don't really understand how to create themes in PostNuke, so we are stuck with what I can figure out. We so rarely have posts that are more than 2 lines anyway, this past week excluded, and if we do, they are exceptions to the rule. Anyway, if it is too annoying for you, override it with another theme, or I can go back to default.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Fact: Ninjas Are Mammals

Hey Enron, you've seen the website right? Check it out if you haven't.
Real Ultimate Power!

Author Notes: "Dear Stupid Idiots, A lot of you have been saying that I don’t know anything about REAL ninjas. But that’s a bunch of bull crap! You dummies don’t know anything. And maybe YOU should get a life. I bet a lot of you have never even seen a girl naked! You idiots believe that ninjas had some "code of honor." Yeah right! If by "code of honor," you mean "code to flip out and go nuts for absolutely no reason at all even if it means that people might think you are totally insane or sweet," then you are right. But if you mean a "code to be nice and speak nicely while sharing and not cutting off heads," then you’re the biggest idiot ever!!!!!! So if you have any brains, you will shut up and get a life. So go shut up, you stupid idiot."

Check out this sweet book at Thinkgeek.


Is it possible to make the posting area a little wider in the new format. Now the posting area is such a narrow column it runs forever. The Banjo Man Combat and the Die are nice touches.

Dumbass quote of the day:

"I find my fingers are willing but my thumbs are opposed."

-Random Slashdot Poster-


No need to change the settings yourself, I have forced my will on you all like Jesus Christ forced his will on George Bush, and in turn Bush on the entire fucking world.

Support the Troops but not the war! - Strung Out

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Blog Stylee

I would suggest you login to your Account Settings on the left, and change your theme to PostNukeBlue. I am trying to make that theme cooler and useful for all. Check it out. It's better than the khaki and olive color scheme currently defaulting.
I want those Legos

Gimme gimme gimme! The Death Star is even bigger, 3400+ pieces, but doesn't look as interesting to build. The finished product looks impressive, most impressive, but I am fairly certain I would go INSANE spending the 20+ hours building the super-structure alone....

Maybe the Blockade Runner is a better place to start, 1700+ pieces. Much more mild.

Who's with me!?!?

O --------Sho dukan!

Monday, July 04, 2005

Hockey quote for the year.

All non-hockey fans skip to the last paragraph:

In 1996, Colorado defenseman Sandis Ozolinsh tripped Jeremy Roenick from behind on an overtime breakaway in Game 4 of the Western Conference semifinals in Chicago. The Blackhawks led the series 2-1. If referee Andy van Hellemond had called either a penalty, or for a penalty shot (which by all rights he should have done), history could have changed. Instead, he swallowed the whistle, Colorado won the game, the series and went on to win the Stanley Cup. After the game, Roy said he would have stopped Roenick on the penalty shot, anyway. Roenick said he found that funny, because he had scored on a breakaway in Game 3 – when, he claimed, Roy's jock had ended up in the rafters. Roy responded by saying he couldn't hear Roenick because his two Stanley Cup rings were plugging his ears.

Okay, I wish I had both the room and the money for this thing. Oh my god, 299.00 and 3104 pieces of lego goodness. It took these guys 10 hours to put it together, all caught on a web cam and compressed into several minutes of nutty assembly action. Check it out.

Nothing like being sick on the 4th o Jew-Lie.

Well I am at the tail end of being sick. Boooo... Friday eve I started feeling like shite, by night time I was full blown sick. Que lame? Sweet weekend.

Spent most of the weekend reading and watching TV. So Jon my answer to you, I am part way into the Necrophilia book. Munda. I mean munda. Right... Peanut brittle. I will try and push through it this week. I remember a lot of the rules, so it shouldn't take too long. A lot of the rules are standard GW minis rules.

Elrock, I am a good bit into the PHP books. Pretty easy stuff so far, I suppose it gets complicated in the DB connection section. Yeehaa, Jester's dead. Eventually I will change the Actionshots site over. I actually started a little of it but I am short on one concept model. I am not sure how to pass information from the client side via html links to the server side. I am hoping I dont have to set up sessions and such. Ill figure it out I guess. Did you play with PHP much or just use boiler plate PHP through Lunar pages only.

Johnny Five is alive! Ice Lee, you need to do less reading more posting on the Blog. Even Ry, the rare posting, voyeuristic actionteam member that he is, posts more often than you. Are you going to hang there for a while longer or are you going to come back soon? What is your plan, Stan?

Art you hooker! WHere are those images? Ill kill you! Fugger. I still get a kick out of, "Dont honk the god damn horn art! Jesus, every fucking excuse to honk the horn." Brilliant!


Sunday, July 03, 2005

Dam my pictures Mr. Peterson! I think Eyerick screwed up
Blog Posterize

Salutations to all from the borg. The brain juice is work (see blog from 2 months ago). Complaining about the lack of work and lousy pay? Come to the philippines, where there's lots of work and lousy pay! =) It's great!

I had to write a blog to see my new picture which i'm eagerly waiting to see as I drum up this meaningful blog note. The new size of pics and look and feel of the boxed text is appealing to the eye. I highly suggest Eric and Aaron program a cool java "Action team game" that would truly live up to the name. Perhaps a street fighter type 2D style duel game using nothing but TEXT art XXXX
O --------Sho dukan!

Life here has it's goods and bads some personal developement, some work related, so I won't go into it because it all equals out, but I just wanted to let you all know, I still read the blog on a daily basis and keeps me sane, thinking it's all alright in the world as I used to know it. OMG Dr. MIke! It's a nuclear holocaust... o wait...

Jonny the ICEMAN cometh Lee
Welcome Back!

Was on a self-imposed internet ban that I never kept up with. My WoW resurgance was pretty short lived - powerlvled a mage to 59 and was like, WTF AM I DOING? Had got into a pretty cool big guild and we were on Ventrillo and money wasn't an issue (people loaning, giving, etc) so that was really sweet, but once I hit close to 60, realized it's all the same. Same same same. So, quitted again (3rd time now?) Battlegrounds was ok, but I barely ever used it. General PvP is the funnest of all!

Well, gratz to Dr. Mike! Awesome man! Knew you were gonna get it! Haven't gone back and read all the posts I've missed, but yeah I'll do that. Like the new look of the blog!

-Broken 59 UD Mage - Smolderthorn
-Boneache 40 UD Priest -Firetree
-Rico 60 NE Druid - Dalaran

/quit life

Oh, what I've learned from wow. You NEED NEED NEED good warriors, priests and mages. That's really it. Everything else if x-tra juice. If there's ever a new game and we all get into it, we gotta rawk it! Oh, also tap-levelling is pretty sweet. Get a bunch of friends who are grouped, you (not grouped with them) tap the mob/mobs (elites higher lvl than you best result) then they destroy it. Towards my last levels I would get like 3 bubbles of XP in like 10 mins. Like 500+xp a kill and you take on 3-4 at a time. GENIUS! Yeah, I learned some real important stuff apparently >.< !

Get there Alive! Don't drink n drive! -Lagwagon