
Saturday, July 09, 2005

Jon thinks I'm full of shit

I have actually seen very good reviews of War of the Worlds. It looks really cool. I have been quite interested to see the movie, but then Cruise had to open up his movementarium mouth up about psychiatry. What a douche. I mean, Ill admit psychiatry had a pretty checkered past up until about 40 years ago, but still. Those guys are idiots. The worlds largest scam machine, designed to suck people's money away from them.

"Better to keep your mouth closed and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"

Rude: I have been eyeing Battlestar Galactica for a while, wondering if it is any good. I am kind of a fiend for dark and/or dirty future movies. Especially with ships n' stuff. I'll definately check that out. I loved the original when I was a kid, but when I go back and watch it now, it kind of bugs.

Jon: So does that make me full of shit. I think I was the idiot who told you about the AT-ATs. Damn. You now the commute grows old at times does it not. I go through fits of reading on the train. It is better than if you were driving it though. Blah. Sweet news about the RPG stuff. Maybe I will get to play more than one adventure every 3 years.
