
Saturday, July 09, 2005

Battlestar Cracklactica

I'm just a friggin addict. I'm just glad I never tried any of the hard drugs out there or I'd almost 100% be SO dead in a ditch by now. Yeah, on a whim last weekend I netflixed the Battlestar Galactica mini-series dvd, and was just fuckin' blown away! Right out the bat, it ain't no Firefly (although the Serenity ship has a quick cameo in the miniseries - same space ship computer effects company does this show.) BUT, after watching for like the past month or so non-stop Angel, it's good to watch a non-Whedon show.

Anyways, they basically took the title of the show, character names, and *basic* story idea, and made a completely new show. Very very dark - more drama than anything else, but the acting is sweet and the look and FX of the show are top-notch. Was never a huge fan of the old show (think we missed it by a few years - we're more an A-Team generation, ya?) but yeah, the old Cylons were pretty bad-ass. Without giving anything away, you see the old versions of the Cylons in a museum in the start of the show. The one's now are pretty bad-ass. Oh, it's so good. Anyways, Season 2 starts next weekend, so I just torrented all 13 eps of season 1 over the last 2 days and had marathon tv sessions watchin em.

Least worth checkin out the mini-series dvd. It has a very military/dark/hopeless feel to it, but it's not so depressing you can't watch. I dunno - can't recommend it enough. There's not much tv out there that I watch anymore (it's pretty much background noise these days) but this I really dug - good writing n shit.

- eeze