
Friday, July 08, 2005

El Guerro de los Mundos: Una Pelicula de Steven Spielbergo

Any of you guys see this yet? I just got back. Ho-lee shit. A very unsettling movie, with amazing visuals. By which I don't mean special effects (although those are great), but shot composition, and visual imagination. See it for Xenu!

Yeah, I am bummed about my jaerb ending. I'm not sorry to see the end of the commute. It is for shit. I got sick of reading and bought a Japanese RPG for my Gameboy (Riviera, for you l33t p1r4t3s) and I've put like 15 hours into it, all while travelling back and forth. The only good part is passing through Oakland and seeing the cargo loaders at the railyard, which look like a bunch of AT-ATs attacking the city. A friend told me that is where Lucas got inspiration for the Battle of Hoth, but I think he's full of shit.

Oh Enron, one piece of good news. I have found not one but two reasonably normal, personable guys at work who are potentially interested in getting together for some RPG action. This is starting to look like it might actually happen.