
Saturday, July 09, 2005

Not you Enron! Some jark from wark

Maybe you did mention that to me? I must've forgotten somehow. But no, some guy from work told me while we were on the shuttle. i just assumed he was full of it. Although I have to admit, they really do resemble AT-ATs. Maybe it's true.

I thought the Juan Cruz factor in WotW was pretty low and that he kind of faded into the background with all the destruction and everything keeping me pretty occupied. But then he doesn't really bug me (as an actor -- as a human he seems a bit pants).

* The only guy who shouldn't have been in that role is the guy from King of Queens. Fuck that goddamn piece of shit in his fucking moron brain, fuck him, I hate him so bad. And that fucking "wife" of his, her with her goddamn glossy brown lipstick. What the fuck is with that show? And that fucking shithead old guy from Seinfeld? "Listen to me, how loud I am! Now you'll laugh while I yell some more! I'm not saying anything funny... but I SURE AM LOUD!" People watch that shit? Jesus F* (*Fucking) Christ.

On another note, there was this trailer for a movie that looked awesome. I've seen it four or five times now and I'm getting really excited about it and maybe you guys have heard of it. It's called Stealth, starring Jaime Foxxworthy. Check it out: he's a hot shit pilot who saves the country, and then he relaxes with the ladies. But then, he learns they've developed a super plane, one with Artificial Intelligence, and it's out to replace the other pilots. Well, for a while they fly missions with the plane, but then... lightning strikes the plane, and it rewires the plane so that it's a terrorist plane. You know what that means. When they developed AI, those guys didn't anticipate lightning. Jaime, bring it on! I can't wait until I see another trailer for it.

Another thing I like are those Fandango commercials. Those are three-minute slices of comedy on par with any of Jonathan Winters (aka "DipShit McGee") ever put out.

... wow, what was all that about?