
Thursday, July 07, 2005

Yo Joe

J:on PEckERnuTz> I am finished with the core rules and I am starting tolook at the sourcebook. Did you know your sourcebook is suffering the perfect bound nightmare. Half the pages just fall out of the book. Boooo! Anyway there is not that much more to go over. Sweet eh?

On a slightly sleazier note. I pulled an Elzar and took a shower while laying on the floor of the tub. Added bonus: I drank wine straight out of the bottle while showering. Awesome. Nothing like drinking alcamahol while showering.

E: I hope the league gets it right this time. They pretty much have to get it right. I hope they institute and actually enforce some good rules to bring the sport back to a more glorious age of skating and stick handling and less players that execute the "Lemme hold on to that stick while I molest you" formula of game play.
