Prediction, etc.
- Jon will be on the road for at LEAST 16 hours round trip driving time, seeing as he is leaving from LA 4th of July weekend in the mid-morning, and returning IN THE AFTERNOON!!!!! Lemme tell you this, when I drove home from Kublacon at 10:30pm sunday night, there was traffic, and when I returned home at 4:30am, there was traffic, though not as bad of course. To drive home in the afternoon on Sunday after the 4th of July weekend is absolutely insane. Enron drove up the Sunday after Thanksgiving from LA to SF and it took him 11 hours.
- Sorry your SUPAR busy weekends have consisted of having your thumb up your ass... its not like you could played D&D or anything like that....
- This sunday is on, though to see Enron you will need to attend his brothers graduation party, he won't be around otherwise.
- It is awesome that Needles is playing other people at JavaBowl. Just too cool....
- Go to and opt out of telemarketer's phone lists. This is the thing that is supposedly going to keep telemarketers off the phone lines.
- Riddle me this Johnny: While indeed the failing with the JavaBowl game and the NIC cards is infact the Java software's incompatability with the NIC card, or rather the way that it is used by the javabowl game, what does that really change as far as what must be done to find a solution? I have the newest release of Java, Windows SP3, and this particular piece of software still will not work with the NIC card that I have, I still need to change MY card because I don't think that Sun is going to change Java because of me.... then again, I could be wrong.
- Javabowl Sunday!!!!!!! For everyone!!!!!! (except Mike)
Saturday, June 28, 2003
Oh, fine!
Well, I see that there's a Mac OS X install for java Blood Bowl. Maybe I'll go get it.
The plan for 4th of July weekend:
4th: Drink at Matt Ziskin's party.
5th: Drive up to Johnny's early-ish. Eat Cocoa Pebbles for lunch. Meet Bobby McOil Baron Ferrin at night. Sleep well!
6th: Eat Cocoa Pebbles for breakfast. Hang out. In the afternoon, drive home!
Yeah it's a lot of driving, but I'd rather do some driving and have fun with you guys than spend another weekend with my thumb up my ass.
Oh! Hey Aeryk, I'll be able to hang out on Sunday afternoon, so LET'S DO IT! Maybe we can play some fun games or listen to music or something! It'd be cool to see Ruby and Anron as well....
Well, I see that there's a Mac OS X install for java Blood Bowl. Maybe I'll go get it.
The plan for 4th of July weekend:
4th: Drink at Matt Ziskin's party.
5th: Drive up to Johnny's early-ish. Eat Cocoa Pebbles for lunch. Meet Bobby McOil Baron Ferrin at night. Sleep well!
6th: Eat Cocoa Pebbles for breakfast. Hang out. In the afternoon, drive home!
Yeah it's a lot of driving, but I'd rather do some driving and have fun with you guys than spend another weekend with my thumb up my ass.
Oh! Hey Aeryk, I'll be able to hang out on Sunday afternoon, so LET'S DO IT! Maybe we can play some fun games or listen to music or something! It'd be cool to see Ruby and Anron as well....
I need to test out my theory.
I think I solved the JAVA bowl problem. Whoever is online, pop me a ICQ and let's test it out...There is also a new version of JAVA JAR 1.4.2. I think the problem lies in the Operating system, it's environment, and compatibility with the JAVA software.
The reason, was I was trying to install 1.4.2 and I recieved a message stating that I needed to update my windows OS. While I was installing however, something peculiar (or miraculous) is that the same problem occured. During installation my Computer Rebooted! Therefore, this indicated to me that it wasn't a problem with Blood Bowl (java) but with the actual JAVA run-time software environment. Something in there is causing the system to reboot.
I downloaded ALL the updates and software patches for windows, and I was successful in installing 1.4.2 without any more messages. I'm thinking this will resolve the JAVA problem. This ties in with a lot of the problems on the forum as well, including one where XP was reloaded and it worked. I think when the person reloaded XP, the software automatically downloaded some SP updates from the microsoft site which fixed the problem.
As for Hardware, I think there's also something with the particular network cards or software that CAUSES the the JAVA software to reboot, but nothing is actually WRONG with the NIC or driver. It's just some incompatibility with JAVA software.
Jael the magnificent
I think I solved the JAVA bowl problem. Whoever is online, pop me a ICQ and let's test it out...There is also a new version of JAVA JAR 1.4.2. I think the problem lies in the Operating system, it's environment, and compatibility with the JAVA software.
The reason, was I was trying to install 1.4.2 and I recieved a message stating that I needed to update my windows OS. While I was installing however, something peculiar (or miraculous) is that the same problem occured. During installation my Computer Rebooted! Therefore, this indicated to me that it wasn't a problem with Blood Bowl (java) but with the actual JAVA run-time software environment. Something in there is causing the system to reboot.
I downloaded ALL the updates and software patches for windows, and I was successful in installing 1.4.2 without any more messages. I'm thinking this will resolve the JAVA problem. This ties in with a lot of the problems on the forum as well, including one where XP was reloaded and it worked. I think when the person reloaded XP, the software automatically downloaded some SP updates from the microsoft site which fixed the problem.
As for Hardware, I think there's also something with the particular network cards or software that CAUSES the the JAVA software to reboot, but nothing is actually WRONG with the NIC or driver. It's just some incompatibility with JAVA software.
Jael the magnificent
Friday, June 27, 2003
NEW version of JAVABloodBowl is out- Version 6!
I guess its got some new pics for elves n shit, so cool! And maybe Jael's comp won't crash with it. Hmm. Here! And he also mentions some crazy game hes making called Dungeon Bowl (it looks like BB but in a dungeon with walls here and there- weird!)
ADDED- Addictive Personality Bonus: You have to go to the FUMBBL channel on IRC. I went there, there was like 50 ppl there- and somehow if your IRC nickname is the same as your coach name, you type: bb lfg and a BOT shows everyone all your teams and ranks. So, you go in there "looking for game" and you can totally match up with people. I just played the Shadowgrove Phantoms and we tied 1-1 (he was wood elves.) The guy was good and gave me some nice pointers.
Rock on, Chicago.
I guess its got some new pics for elves n shit, so cool! And maybe Jael's comp won't crash with it. Hmm. Here! And he also mentions some crazy game hes making called Dungeon Bowl (it looks like BB but in a dungeon with walls here and there- weird!)
ADDED- Addictive Personality Bonus: You have to go to the FUMBBL channel on IRC. I went there, there was like 50 ppl there- and somehow if your IRC nickname is the same as your coach name, you type: bb lfg and a BOT shows everyone all your teams and ranks. So, you go in there "looking for game" and you can totally match up with people. I just played the Shadowgrove Phantoms and we tied 1-1 (he was wood elves.) The guy was good and gave me some nice pointers.
Rock on, Chicago.
Stupid 100-Year-Old Bigots ALWAYS die
Although, why the fuck it take 100 years, who knows? Yeah, whats the purpose of the mini-roadtrip anyways? Sounds cool, but I'm with Elrick on the "need more time to justify drive" trip. But, be safe dude, and if theres any CDs you wanna borrow, just holla! You know, you should rent a car- maybe you already are. But, 4th of JOOLIE weekend might be more expensive though, hmm. Otherwise, car-rentals RULE for roadtrips.
I wanna see 28-Days Lat0r. Hey MIKE, did you see it? It came out in Engrland like over a year ago or somethin! I guess lots of reviews were: 1st half RULES, 2nd half SUCKS! Thats better ods than those LOTR movies at least! :p
Although, why the fuck it take 100 years, who knows? Yeah, whats the purpose of the mini-roadtrip anyways? Sounds cool, but I'm with Elrick on the "need more time to justify drive" trip. But, be safe dude, and if theres any CDs you wanna borrow, just holla! You know, you should rent a car- maybe you already are. But, 4th of JOOLIE weekend might be more expensive though, hmm. Otherwise, car-rentals RULE for roadtrips.
I wanna see 28-Days Lat0r. Hey MIKE, did you see it? It came out in Engrland like over a year ago or somethin! I guess lots of reviews were: 1st half RULES, 2nd half SUCKS! Thats better ods than those LOTR movies at least! :p
Halflings ALWAYS die
So it's really not that surprising. But I saw a few moments of the brilliant massacre and I must say, the Halflings did well to fertilize the soil on the field.
My REAL blood bowl league, I did horrible as anticipated. I have had horrible luck lately. The score was 2-1, but I did absolutely no damage to his team which he pounded my guys into submission, with 1 serious injury, 2 knockouts (1 including my ogre) and 1 kill. That's really really bad when it's so one sided... er kinda like the halflings.
So tonight I'm going clubbing i think, and Eric, and Jon, you guys should come up for a longer period of time. why don't u try coming on Friday and then driving back on sunday? You can live on my abundant stash of Coacoa pebbles, the most abundant resource in Fremont. You guys should talk about it. Jon, get off your lazy ass and call Eric as it seems he has no idea what your plans are, nor I.
Ebay, up at 83 dollars baby! for 5 games... AMAZING! I thought I would get nothing for my games.
So it's really not that surprising. But I saw a few moments of the brilliant massacre and I must say, the Halflings did well to fertilize the soil on the field.
My REAL blood bowl league, I did horrible as anticipated. I have had horrible luck lately. The score was 2-1, but I did absolutely no damage to his team which he pounded my guys into submission, with 1 serious injury, 2 knockouts (1 including my ogre) and 1 kill. That's really really bad when it's so one sided... er kinda like the halflings.
So tonight I'm going clubbing i think, and Eric, and Jon, you guys should come up for a longer period of time. why don't u try coming on Friday and then driving back on sunday? You can live on my abundant stash of Coacoa pebbles, the most abundant resource in Fremont. You guys should talk about it. Jon, get off your lazy ass and call Eric as it seems he has no idea what your plans are, nor I.
Ebay, up at 83 dollars baby! for 5 games... AMAZING! I thought I would get nothing for my games.
BB and More!
- Manhandled Denis' Appleby Mashers last night. Felt a little bit bad, but he got 60k in winnings, so I don't feel SO bad. That is enough to replace the two dead halflings.... I didn't kill one of them! He slipped from the grasp of the Treeman (Larch the Oxygenator) before being thrown downfield and the poor little guy fell on his skull, smashing his brains to the realm of death; returned to the land of the not alive from whence he came...
- So Rudy (which is one of the fallen halflings names), we can play again sometime now that I have Denis under my belt! And Jael, try loading it to your laptop! It won't take you 10 minutes from start to finish! The Mango Raiders must pay for their inactivity! In blood!!! Human Blood!! Not my humans blood though!!! Nadsmasher is a GIRLY OGRE!!!
- I'm not going to make the SF trip, based on Jon's description, we will be there roughly 24 hours before driving back.... for 12 hours on the road, it's just not worth it, sorry guys. Kublacon it is!
- Oh yeah, read THIS. It's an email correspondence between email scammer and the "victim".... funny stuff.
- Manhandled Denis' Appleby Mashers last night. Felt a little bit bad, but he got 60k in winnings, so I don't feel SO bad. That is enough to replace the two dead halflings.... I didn't kill one of them! He slipped from the grasp of the Treeman (Larch the Oxygenator) before being thrown downfield and the poor little guy fell on his skull, smashing his brains to the realm of death; returned to the land of the not alive from whence he came...
- So Rudy (which is one of the fallen halflings names), we can play again sometime now that I have Denis under my belt! And Jael, try loading it to your laptop! It won't take you 10 minutes from start to finish! The Mango Raiders must pay for their inactivity! In blood!!! Human Blood!! Not my humans blood though!!! Nadsmasher is a GIRLY OGRE!!!
- I'm not going to make the SF trip, based on Jon's description, we will be there roughly 24 hours before driving back.... for 12 hours on the road, it's just not worth it, sorry guys. Kublacon it is!
- Oh yeah, read THIS. It's an email correspondence between email scammer and the "victim".... funny stuff.
Thursday, June 26, 2003
flash movies
i got macromedia mx studio the other day, and I was just going through the flash tutorials (theyre pretty good!) so i'm gonna eventually try and make some smarmy music videos for my stupid old songs! yay 4 me. So, big favor: noJ - can I borrow from you whatever tapes you may have of the old jams- i wanna digitize them - or make me a tape or something! That'd be bookoo cool- I was so giving and careless in my youth, I never bothered to keep copies for myself (or, I just lost them.) COOL!
I'm excited. Not really, but I wanna try. ZOMBIES! Whats the name of that book exactly? I wanna look it up on The Net. thx
-Strom Thurmond, HAHAHAHAHAHA.
i got macromedia mx studio the other day, and I was just going through the flash tutorials (theyre pretty good!) so i'm gonna eventually try and make some smarmy music videos for my stupid old songs! yay 4 me. So, big favor: noJ - can I borrow from you whatever tapes you may have of the old jams- i wanna digitize them - or make me a tape or something! That'd be bookoo cool- I was so giving and careless in my youth, I never bothered to keep copies for myself (or, I just lost them.) COOL!
I'm excited. Not really, but I wanna try. ZOMBIES! Whats the name of that book exactly? I wanna look it up on The Net. thx
-Strom Thurmond, HAHAHAHAHAHA.
Whoa! Crazy new Blogger look.
Changed the Bold & Italic tags too. Yee hA. I still feel like FUCKING SHIT. Never get sick. Anyway, I will be going to LA this weekend on Friday night via car (Bunk). I will be in LA until tuesday afternoon/eve. David is graduating and a bunch of family members will be in town for a party. I do not know if I will be able to see anyone, but if I have sometime I will give you nutz a jingle. Johnny I would have told you but there was some instability as to how/when I was getting down. The other deal is that I am coming back up mid-week. If you for some reason can make it with me you are welcome, but I doubt you will, with work and all.
I was quite happy about the position change. I will now be doing IT infastructure, AKA QA. I now get to test data transmissions from terminal and parse the communications and analyze the data. I take that data and make sure they are transmitting the correct information and in the right format. It looks both cool and monotonous. I will be working in the terminal lab or a cubicle, analyzing the data and inputing bugs in a DB. Pay is good, learning curve looks to be not hard, but there is a huge amount of info. I read 110 pages of specs today on the communication and processing protocols for one of the three network packages. Dry as hell.
Johnny: I just busted my ass when there were things to do and that was it. RHonda wanted to make me the lead for the Help Desk group, but, she had another person that was just at good at the lead position. So she sat on it for a while trying to figure out who to make lead. Then an opening came about when one of the QA guys put in his two weeks notice.
Jon, Johnny, Elrock: I will be working until 4:15pm on the 5th of July, but will be around agter and for the rest of the weekend.
Changed the Bold & Italic tags too. Yee hA. I still feel like FUCKING SHIT. Never get sick. Anyway, I will be going to LA this weekend on Friday night via car (Bunk). I will be in LA until tuesday afternoon/eve. David is graduating and a bunch of family members will be in town for a party. I do not know if I will be able to see anyone, but if I have sometime I will give you nutz a jingle. Johnny I would have told you but there was some instability as to how/when I was getting down. The other deal is that I am coming back up mid-week. If you for some reason can make it with me you are welcome, but I doubt you will, with work and all.
I was quite happy about the position change. I will now be doing IT infastructure, AKA QA. I now get to test data transmissions from terminal and parse the communications and analyze the data. I take that data and make sure they are transmitting the correct information and in the right format. It looks both cool and monotonous. I will be working in the terminal lab or a cubicle, analyzing the data and inputing bugs in a DB. Pay is good, learning curve looks to be not hard, but there is a huge amount of info. I read 110 pages of specs today on the communication and processing protocols for one of the three network packages. Dry as hell.
Johnny: I just busted my ass when there were things to do and that was it. RHonda wanted to make me the lead for the Help Desk group, but, she had another person that was just at good at the lead position. So she sat on it for a while trying to figure out who to make lead. Then an opening came about when one of the QA guys put in his two weeks notice.
Jon, Johnny, Elrock: I will be working until 4:15pm on the 5th of July, but will be around agter and for the rest of the weekend.
Yay! Yesterday I went and picked up Ogre Diceland. It's got an absolutely huge-friggin-mungous Ogre die, almost big enough to play another game of Diceland on. Well maybe I exaggerate slightly. But it's big. And it's got a bunch of tanks and howitzers and infantry for the other team. And a command center card! And an Ogre tracking card with rules for either a Mk III or Mk V Ogre! Anyway, after many moons of not being able to play regular Ogre, maybe I can play this version! Yay.
SF trip: Eric, I wanna go up to SF (well, Fremont really) on Saturday the 5th, morningish, and come back on the 6th, eveningish. We will probably play Blood Bowl, PBI, Axis & Allies, and 15 hours of Medal of Honor. Steve? Alpine? Motormike? Sound good?
Yay! Yesterday I went and picked up Ogre Diceland. It's got an absolutely huge-friggin-mungous Ogre die, almost big enough to play another game of Diceland on. Well maybe I exaggerate slightly. But it's big. And it's got a bunch of tanks and howitzers and infantry for the other team. And a command center card! And an Ogre tracking card with rules for either a Mk III or Mk V Ogre! Anyway, after many moons of not being able to play regular Ogre, maybe I can play this version! Yay.
SF trip: Eric, I wanna go up to SF (well, Fremont really) on Saturday the 5th, morningish, and come back on the 6th, eveningish. We will probably play Blood Bowl, PBI, Axis & Allies, and 15 hours of Medal of Honor. Steve? Alpine? Motormike? Sound good?
bloodboowl: seeeeecrets
Ya, it says the image needs to be 11k or under and 50 x 50 pixels (which is crap) so I was looking at other peoples, and there's were a lot bigger than 50 pixels. So, I guess as long as you keep it under 11k (its 106500 or something to be exact) then its fine. I just saved mine as a super-low quality GIF. In Photoshop theres an easy saving function called "Save for Web" and I picked the one that turned my mega-pixture into a 8k file. Whew.
Ya, it says the image needs to be 11k or under and 50 x 50 pixels (which is crap) so I was looking at other peoples, and there's were a lot bigger than 50 pixels. So, I guess as long as you keep it under 11k (its 106500 or something to be exact) then its fine. I just saved mine as a super-low quality GIF. In Photoshop theres an easy saving function called "Save for Web" and I picked the one that turned my mega-pixture into a 8k file. Whew.
Whoa there big fella!
Let's not get carried away... another dedicated blog for Trash talkin for BB? we all remember your reviews column section... I think it's easier just to blog in the main column so that all can enjoy reading of the exploits. It gets bothersome to have to manage two reviews columns, and then you know how the Admin gets anal about blogging in the wrong section! Yeah.. that admin's a punk!
Enrique Glacy Enron: what's this deal on moving up? CONGRATS! tell me more on how it happened so I can plan my ascension!! seriously. Mine has been stuck in paperwork for er.... almost 3 months now... and is still indecisive. But that's how my company works.. Sucks ballz. Still have heard nothing definite.
SF TRip: Oric, just fyi, Jon may be coming up on the 5th and 6th of next month. Talk to him more and see if you guys can bike up here.
-i have 8 games posted on Ebay... I love it! 3 are going to sell! yaay!
Let's not get carried away... another dedicated blog for Trash talkin for BB? we all remember your reviews column section... I think it's easier just to blog in the main column so that all can enjoy reading of the exploits. It gets bothersome to have to manage two reviews columns, and then you know how the Admin gets anal about blogging in the wrong section! Yeah.. that admin's a punk!
Enrique Glacy Enron: what's this deal on moving up? CONGRATS! tell me more on how it happened so I can plan my ascension!! seriously. Mine has been stuck in paperwork for er.... almost 3 months now... and is still indecisive. But that's how my company works.. Sucks ballz. Still have heard nothing definite.
SF TRip: Oric, just fyi, Jon may be coming up on the 5th and 6th of next month. Talk to him more and see if you guys can bike up here.
-i have 8 games posted on Ebay... I love it! 3 are going to sell! yaay!
Blood Bowl, Success!!!
- Yes, it's true that Needles scored on me, it was quite a reckless play that just happened to work out quite nicely! I wanted to HELP Needles to play the terrific sport of Blood Bowl, not grind him into dust (which I nearly did anyway...), so that he would play again. I think fun was had by all, I know I had a blast!
- My team now has a picture and Bio too, BTW how did you get such a large picture Rudy? I had to make mine washeesh before they would let me upload it! Also, I am new to the whole League PLay thing, so I have no idea if my choice in skills is going to be any good, but to heck with it!
- I have so much money for 2 reasons: 1) I started with 40K in the bank, and I won 70K in the game (10 Fan Factor Now!)
- Belated congrats on moving up in your company Enron. They must have been impressed with your ability to, er, manage your time and finish your games, I mean, tasks in a timely manner? Whatever the reason, mo money means mo money.
- Mike? Wanna play Blood Bowl? Mike? Hello?
- Johnny, seriously, try either a) loading the BB on your laptop, or b) getting a new NIC card, cause it was an amazing feeling finishing a game and uploading the scores (FINALLY)!!!!
- Hmmm.... it seems like we need a new Blog for BB trash talk....
- Also, something I have been doing for a few months now, I select all and copy all my post before I post and publish it, that way if there is a huccup, I have not lost my post! I am so smart! I am so smart! S - M - R - T!
- Yes, it's true that Needles scored on me, it was quite a reckless play that just happened to work out quite nicely! I wanted to HELP Needles to play the terrific sport of Blood Bowl, not grind him into dust (which I nearly did anyway...), so that he would play again. I think fun was had by all, I know I had a blast!
- My team now has a picture and Bio too, BTW how did you get such a large picture Rudy? I had to make mine washeesh before they would let me upload it! Also, I am new to the whole League PLay thing, so I have no idea if my choice in skills is going to be any good, but to heck with it!
- I have so much money for 2 reasons: 1) I started with 40K in the bank, and I won 70K in the game (10 Fan Factor Now!)
- Belated congrats on moving up in your company Enron. They must have been impressed with your ability to, er, manage your time and finish your games, I mean, tasks in a timely manner? Whatever the reason, mo money means mo money.
- Mike? Wanna play Blood Bowl? Mike? Hello?
- Johnny, seriously, try either a) loading the BB on your laptop, or b) getting a new NIC card, cause it was an amazing feeling finishing a game and uploading the scores (FINALLY)!!!!
- Hmmm.... it seems like we need a new Blog for BB trash talk....
- Also, something I have been doing for a few months now, I select all and copy all my post before I post and publish it, that way if there is a huccup, I have not lost my post! I am so smart! I am so smart! S - M - R - T!
Where's your pride and dignity Elcrock?
You let a noob score on you?! hehe... I took no mercy on the noob in my league... trounced him 5-0... Your too soft... Thorad Nadsmasher will have you for Brunch, Breakfast AND lunch, the next time we hit the field. Your Nads are mine (to crush)
Chopper, Sick ballz! it also seems like you got a lot of SP points too and a new skill for your catcher... Nice! How did dyou get so much money though?
The new blogger is pretty sweet... Tonight is another blood bowl league night... I'll tell you guys about it later!!
You let a noob score on you?! hehe... I took no mercy on the noob in my league... trounced him 5-0... Your too soft... Thorad Nadsmasher will have you for Brunch, Breakfast AND lunch, the next time we hit the field. Your Nads are mine (to crush)
Chopper, Sick ballz! it also seems like you got a lot of SP points too and a new skill for your catcher... Nice! How did dyou get so much money though?
The new blogger is pretty sweet... Tonight is another blood bowl league night... I'll tell you guys about it later!!
Whoa- Bloggers all different looking now. I had things I wanted to blog early in the day, but fuckifiknow what i was gonna write. Wanted to see if this was up, and lo and beholdar's gate, it is! Cool.
Fun game of BB tonight- I'm learning, and even though I scored 1 goal, I still got my manhandled by a bunch of a-hole humans! RAAR! Revenge will be mine! Fun shit!
Hey J-Mandingo: How was/is learning Flash? I borrowed a book from the Library on Flash MX and I haven't dug into it yet, but Elrick said it was pretty tough- I know you fuct with it- whats your verdict?
Jael: You're SO mine! I'll ownzor your cheap team any day. Elrick killed my Witch-Elf thingy in the 1st few turns, so I may only have 9 or 10 guys on the field, but its enough for you! Bring it on!
Whoa- Bloggers all different looking now. I had things I wanted to blog early in the day, but fuckifiknow what i was gonna write. Wanted to see if this was up, and lo and beholdar's gate, it is! Cool.
Fun game of BB tonight- I'm learning, and even though I scored 1 goal, I still got my manhandled by a bunch of a-hole humans! RAAR! Revenge will be mine! Fun shit!
Hey J-Mandingo: How was/is learning Flash? I borrowed a book from the Library on Flash MX and I haven't dug into it yet, but Elrick said it was pretty tough- I know you fuct with it- whats your verdict?
Jael: You're SO mine! I'll ownzor your cheap team any day. Elrick killed my Witch-Elf thingy in the 1st few turns, so I may only have 9 or 10 guys on the field, but its enough for you! Bring it on!
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Space Shmulk
A few points:
1) I am going to pay Johnny full price for the Space Hulk, if I am to buy it at all.
2) 2nd edition is more rare than first edition, however, I believe a purchase that includes Space Hulk 1rst ed., Deathwing, and Genestealer (RARE!) will sell for more than the 2nd ed. alone.
3) I enjoy collecting game, it's my thing.
4) I have no idea what about any SF trip, enlighten me!
5) Sunday: Denis and Peter came over. We did some BB tests, and bought some WarCry cards, and 2 Shadowrun action figure game guys. Denis told us about the kick ass 10mm dungeon project, and then finally sent us an email about it. Kewl!
6) I hate killing anything too. Now think about this at least, its not a vaccum sealed doom that awaits the flushig of the bug, if it can hold it's breath until the poo poo water hits the open sewer, it might make it once there is air to breathe and fly in. Then it will live a long and happy life in the sewers feasting on crocodiles, rats, CHUD's, and poop.
7) When can I at least read the story in your book? I've never seen it.
A few points:
1) I am going to pay Johnny full price for the Space Hulk, if I am to buy it at all.
2) 2nd edition is more rare than first edition, however, I believe a purchase that includes Space Hulk 1rst ed., Deathwing, and Genestealer (RARE!) will sell for more than the 2nd ed. alone.
3) I enjoy collecting game, it's my thing.
4) I have no idea what about any SF trip, enlighten me!
5) Sunday: Denis and Peter came over. We did some BB tests, and bought some WarCry cards, and 2 Shadowrun action figure game guys. Denis told us about the kick ass 10mm dungeon project, and then finally sent us an email about it. Kewl!
6) I hate killing anything too. Now think about this at least, its not a vaccum sealed doom that awaits the flushig of the bug, if it can hold it's breath until the poo poo water hits the open sewer, it might make it once there is air to breathe and fly in. Then it will live a long and happy life in the sewers feasting on crocodiles, rats, CHUD's, and poop.
7) When can I at least read the story in your book? I've never seen it.
Hey Eerik, that's a 2nd ed? Jael has it listed as a 3rd ed. I don't know the difference between the two....
I randomly checked the Cheapass website and they've got an Ogre Diceland coming out! The Ogre die is 4 inches! Sweet! I have not made a gaming purchase since my WoTC orgy, but I believe this needs to be included in my collection.
Hey Eerik, that's a 2nd ed? Jael has it listed as a 3rd ed. I don't know the difference between the two....
I randomly checked the Cheapass website and they've got an Ogre Diceland coming out! The Ogre die is 4 inches! Sweet! I have not made a gaming purchase since my WoTC orgy, but I believe this needs to be included in my collection.
Me wanum travel
So, yeah, at first glance things look good for going to S.F. on the 5th-6th. Eerik, are you in? Anyone else? I assume it'll just be me, loning it up the five with my tape with the one song on it that I like, so that's cool. Oh! I also have the tape with Rudy's R2D2 song on it. That'll be good to hear, too.
Space Hulk... I say sell it Lee. The thing is, we have plenty of copies of Space Hulk. I have a copy of Space Hulk, Genestealer, and Deathwing that I'll let anybody who wants to use it use, anytime. Yeah, it's second edition, but... I dunno. I guess it would be different if it were a unique game. I can't blame J. Le for wanting to pick up a little $$dough.
I used the can tonight and after flushing it I noticed that some kind of small winged insect had fallen in. The poo poo had already gone down when it fell in... only a little bit of paper and the insect remained. I was overcome with anxiety. I hate to feel responsible for killing things and drowning is a grim way to go, being flushed down the toilet by an uncaring Mighty Man is even worse. So I tried to save the bug. Yes, I reached in for it. Splash. Didn't get it. Again! Splash, missed it. Again! Splash. It's gone.
So, that was sad.
So, yeah, I can't wait to come by your apt and put my hand in your toilet, Johnny!
Big Coffin Hunters
I get it, Rude! :)
Oh... so what ended up happening on Sunday? There was a mysterious email from Denis about 10mm Dungeon....
So, yeah, at first glance things look good for going to S.F. on the 5th-6th. Eerik, are you in? Anyone else? I assume it'll just be me, loning it up the five with my tape with the one song on it that I like, so that's cool. Oh! I also have the tape with Rudy's R2D2 song on it. That'll be good to hear, too.
Space Hulk... I say sell it Lee. The thing is, we have plenty of copies of Space Hulk. I have a copy of Space Hulk, Genestealer, and Deathwing that I'll let anybody who wants to use it use, anytime. Yeah, it's second edition, but... I dunno. I guess it would be different if it were a unique game. I can't blame J. Le for wanting to pick up a little $$dough.
I used the can tonight and after flushing it I noticed that some kind of small winged insect had fallen in. The poo poo had already gone down when it fell in... only a little bit of paper and the insect remained. I was overcome with anxiety. I hate to feel responsible for killing things and drowning is a grim way to go, being flushed down the toilet by an uncaring Mighty Man is even worse. So I tried to save the bug. Yes, I reached in for it. Splash. Didn't get it. Again! Splash, missed it. Again! Splash. It's gone.
So, that was sad.
So, yeah, I can't wait to come by your apt and put my hand in your toilet, Johnny!
Big Coffin Hunters
I get it, Rude! :)
Oh... so what ended up happening on Sunday? There was a mysterious email from Denis about 10mm Dungeon....
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
The Thing is...
Thats a supar rare 2nd edition Space Hulk, which is why it it so coveted. I covet it, Aaron covets it, even Jon covets it a little bit (I Think), and the ebayers covet it. SO that is why we all want it and would I would hate to see it leave the group, but I also don't want to pay 40 bucks for it, so whatever hapopens happens I guess. :(
Load BB on your laptop! We must finish a a game! We were so close! Also, log onto and join the group I have invited you to. Denis is invited and anyone else can join too, we can have a mini league with stats!
Thats a supar rare 2nd edition Space Hulk, which is why it it so coveted. I covet it, Aaron covets it, even Jon covets it a little bit (I Think), and the ebayers covet it. SO that is why we all want it and would I would hate to see it leave the group, but I also don't want to pay 40 bucks for it, so whatever hapopens happens I guess. :(
Load BB on your laptop! We must finish a a game! We were so close! Also, log onto and join the group I have invited you to. Denis is invited and anyone else can join too, we can have a mini league with stats!
nuts... here I am trying to get away from game addiction, and you guys are snorting up the games like crack!!! Well... that's fine. =) although, you know what eric, I don't mean to be a reneger, but dude, at first I didn't think i'd get ten bucks, but now space hulk has only been on ebay for less than a day and a half, and already the bid is up to 36 bucks. It's a little ludicrous for me to turn down.......... i don't know man..... i'll be 36 bucks richer on ebay... =(
Aaron, since i know settlers will also fetch a pretty penny, I'm not going to shove it on ebay and get tempted as with space hulk. We'll do a trade when you come next time. (hopefully for sexual favors)
nuts... here I am trying to get away from game addiction, and you guys are snorting up the games like crack!!! Well... that's fine. =) although, you know what eric, I don't mean to be a reneger, but dude, at first I didn't think i'd get ten bucks, but now space hulk has only been on ebay for less than a day and a half, and already the bid is up to 36 bucks. It's a little ludicrous for me to turn down.......... i don't know man..... i'll be 36 bucks richer on ebay... =(
Aaron, since i know settlers will also fetch a pretty penny, I'm not going to shove it on ebay and get tempted as with space hulk. We'll do a trade when you come next time. (hopefully for sexual favors)
Johnny... Are you sure?
I mean if you are, I will buy Settlers from you. I have been wanting a copy for a while but just could not justified $40 for a new one. Ummm.. if Eric does not want Space Bulk.. Damn I will purchize it from you. It is just too cool and too rare.
Johnny: I would be up for some action jackson that weekend, but I am working that saturday from 7:45 - 4:15. After that I think I would be game. Ill keep you posted.
Jon: Rule! Congrats on getting your story out. Hopefully it is the begining of a long career as Jon Oetersen, the zombie writer.
In other news I got a promotion at work. Bizarre in that our job is over in December at the latest, maybe later, and training will last a couple of months. Anyway I will be doing system testing on consoles we support. No longer will I be playing games at work. My wage goes up too.. Rule! Gotta run to Aimey's B-Day dinner.
I mean if you are, I will buy Settlers from you. I have been wanting a copy for a while but just could not justified $40 for a new one. Ummm.. if Eric does not want Space Bulk.. Damn I will purchize it from you. It is just too cool and too rare.
Johnny: I would be up for some action jackson that weekend, but I am working that saturday from 7:45 - 4:15. After that I think I would be game. Ill keep you posted.
Jon: Rule! Congrats on getting your story out. Hopefully it is the begining of a long career as Jon Oetersen, the zombie writer.
In other news I got a promotion at work. Bizarre in that our job is over in December at the latest, maybe later, and training will last a couple of months. Anyway I will be doing system testing on consoles we support. No longer will I be playing games at work. My wage goes up too.. Rule! Gotta run to Aimey's B-Day dinner.
Van Damme Splits-Stance
Congrats on the book J-Man! Super cool! Can't wait to see a copy. I did a search on for your name, and all that came up was "Lonesome Dove" ??? Eh! Anyways, cool! You should most definately do the book signing thingy- sounds fun.
Spectating Blood Bowl was ok. I think it'd be funner to 1. Play and/or 2. If I had a better understanding of the rules, etc. Will try it out against one of yous soon!
Congrats on the book J-Man! Super cool! Can't wait to see a copy. I did a search on for your name, and all that came up was "Lonesome Dove" ??? Eh! Anyways, cool! You should most definately do the book signing thingy- sounds fun.
Spectating Blood Bowl was ok. I think it'd be funner to 1. Play and/or 2. If I had a better understanding of the rules, etc. Will try it out against one of yous soon!
YAy! it's great that you are now an official author in the wide world of publishing
so now you are officially a published author. congrats!
I haven't read a Mad magazine in a long long time. I used to remember buying them at the supermarket, the first i read being a parody on "Gremlins". no not 2, gremlins one. So that discloses my true age.
More on News:
I'm going to be selling most of my games on ebay by the poundage! (gasp) No i'm not nuts. There are just some games that I enjoyed in youth, but know that I will never play anymore, or have no desire to replay. Such as Axis and Allies (gasp), axis europe, Space Hulk (countless hours of fun with Jon), and others. So I'm giving you all a fair crack at it. Normally I wouldn't charge you guys, but here's the deal... It's based on a need only basis. If you REALLY REALLY want it and will truly enjoy having the game, I'll sell it to you cheap, just as a token. but honestly i would rather like to see some happy kid who earnestly wants it to derive enjoyment that we used to enjoy as kids. A little utopian? perhaps... it may just rot in some kids closet or transform them into a game zombie, but.... that is the curse. So Eric had dibs on Space hulk.. (how's 10 bucks sound?)....
Settlers of Catan
Doomtown cards (lots 2 boxes)
Firestorm (unopened)
Space fleet
Mutant Chronicles
Napoleon Battles (avalon hill) miniature rule game
Space Hulk 2nd ed
more games to come...
so now you are officially a published author. congrats!
I haven't read a Mad magazine in a long long time. I used to remember buying them at the supermarket, the first i read being a parody on "Gremlins". no not 2, gremlins one. So that discloses my true age.
More on News:
I'm going to be selling most of my games on ebay by the poundage! (gasp) No i'm not nuts. There are just some games that I enjoyed in youth, but know that I will never play anymore, or have no desire to replay. Such as Axis and Allies (gasp), axis europe, Space Hulk (countless hours of fun with Jon), and others. So I'm giving you all a fair crack at it. Normally I wouldn't charge you guys, but here's the deal... It's based on a need only basis. If you REALLY REALLY want it and will truly enjoy having the game, I'll sell it to you cheap, just as a token. but honestly i would rather like to see some happy kid who earnestly wants it to derive enjoyment that we used to enjoy as kids. A little utopian? perhaps... it may just rot in some kids closet or transform them into a game zombie, but.... that is the curse. So Eric had dibs on Space hulk.. (how's 10 bucks sound?)....
Settlers of Catan
Doomtown cards (lots 2 boxes)
Firestorm (unopened)
Space fleet
Mutant Chronicles
Napoleon Battles (avalon hill) miniature rule game
Space Hulk 2nd ed
more games to come...
Monday, June 23, 2003
Mad Magazine Parody: The Incredible Blecchh
Saw Hulk today and it was what I'd call an interesting failure. I would have rather seen it than any number of other brainless, less-ambitious movies, but... it didn't quite gel. I was excited to see what Ang Lee did with the movie, and his more talky take on the superhero genre was interesting, but the script just didn't hit the notes that, when it comes down to it, you want from a movie like this. The Hulk wasn't quite mean enough; Bruce Banner wasn't quite reserved enough; the big action sequences lacked visceral punch; the ending was none too good. Oh well.
(Update): One funny thing about the movie was that the evil army general in this movie was played by Sam Elliot (the Cowboy in The Big Lebowski). I kept expecting him to say, "Well, sometime you get the Hulk, and, thank you, much obliged, sometimes, well, sometimes the Hulk gets you."
My copy of the zombie book came today
So yeah, I'm published now! Right on.
Saw Hulk today and it was what I'd call an interesting failure. I would have rather seen it than any number of other brainless, less-ambitious movies, but... it didn't quite gel. I was excited to see what Ang Lee did with the movie, and his more talky take on the superhero genre was interesting, but the script just didn't hit the notes that, when it comes down to it, you want from a movie like this. The Hulk wasn't quite mean enough; Bruce Banner wasn't quite reserved enough; the big action sequences lacked visceral punch; the ending was none too good. Oh well.
(Update): One funny thing about the movie was that the evil army general in this movie was played by Sam Elliot (the Cowboy in The Big Lebowski). I kept expecting him to say, "Well, sometime you get the Hulk, and, thank you, much obliged, sometimes, well, sometimes the Hulk gets you."
My copy of the zombie book came today
So yeah, I'm published now! Right on.
Sunday, June 22, 2003
Yo La Mango
Hey folks. Well eerik, hope you checked your email this weekend and got a CoC game going today. Yes my friend, you have a more-than-willing group of gamers to tap into, you know them well enough now to get together with them without me, game well my young son. Anyway I've been pretty busy lately. Friday I went camping (and when we tried to leave Saturday morning, the car battery was dead--did I mention we were camping in the trackless desert?). Yesterday I got home barely in time to shower up and get going to a Yo La Tengo concert. Which was awesome. Lots of their songs are supar-mellow, and they started off with those, playing at such quiet volumes that when my friend dropped his keys, you could actually hear it. Gradually they ramped up the amps and by the end of the show it was the near-deafening volume you expect from most concerts. It was at a pretty small place (the Henry Fonda theater) and there was a real sense of intimacy with the crowd. It was really, really cool.
Today I've already helped my dad put a radiator in his truck and read 70 pages of the new Harry Potter book. (Admittedly that's not really "busy.") What I'm actually doing today and this week is trying to go through all of my stuff, of which there is a lot, to see what I can sell on eBay, what I can throw away, and what I can save. If I'm going to Hawaii in mid-July I want to at least have the option to leave promptly upon my return. I figure after next weekend I'll have things pretty well-in-hand.
Some of those zombie guys have already received their books on Monday, and I haven't got my free copies yet! Whatup with that! I also got an email from the editor saying that Eden was thinking about having a signing booth for the books at GenCon and if enough authors were going. "Uh... I'm Jon... I wrote the second-to-last story in the third book... um, yeah."
Until next time, defeat the monsters and don't forget to collect their treasure!
Meatersen out
Hey folks. Well eerik, hope you checked your email this weekend and got a CoC game going today. Yes my friend, you have a more-than-willing group of gamers to tap into, you know them well enough now to get together with them without me, game well my young son. Anyway I've been pretty busy lately. Friday I went camping (and when we tried to leave Saturday morning, the car battery was dead--did I mention we were camping in the trackless desert?). Yesterday I got home barely in time to shower up and get going to a Yo La Tengo concert. Which was awesome. Lots of their songs are supar-mellow, and they started off with those, playing at such quiet volumes that when my friend dropped his keys, you could actually hear it. Gradually they ramped up the amps and by the end of the show it was the near-deafening volume you expect from most concerts. It was at a pretty small place (the Henry Fonda theater) and there was a real sense of intimacy with the crowd. It was really, really cool.
Today I've already helped my dad put a radiator in his truck and read 70 pages of the new Harry Potter book. (Admittedly that's not really "busy.") What I'm actually doing today and this week is trying to go through all of my stuff, of which there is a lot, to see what I can sell on eBay, what I can throw away, and what I can save. If I'm going to Hawaii in mid-July I want to at least have the option to leave promptly upon my return. I figure after next weekend I'll have things pretty well-in-hand.
Some of those zombie guys have already received their books on Monday, and I haven't got my free copies yet! Whatup with that! I also got an email from the editor saying that Eden was thinking about having a signing booth for the books at GenCon and if enough authors were going. "Uh... I'm Jon... I wrote the second-to-last story in the third book... um, yeah."
Until next time, defeat the monsters and don't forget to collect their treasure!
Meatersen out
Magic ICQ... Hey Elrock and Ja-El I need the two of you to Authorize me to have you in my contact list. Second, the two of you need to come up with a nick. Knowing who is who is really annoying since you are both numbers.
I feel like shit today. Yesterday towards the end of the day I started feeling achy and started with the post nasal drip. By the time I went to bed last night I felt like someone had beaten every inch of my body with percison. Yay sick and crappy. Elrock sorry I didnt call you yesterday, I didnt get your message until morning. How did MySquirrel and PHP go for you? I wanna learn PHP. COuld be cool. Anyway I think I am going to bury myself in the yard.
Magic ICQ... Hey Elrock and Ja-El I need the two of you to Authorize me to have you in my contact list. Second, the two of you need to come up with a nick. Knowing who is who is really annoying since you are both numbers.
I feel like shit today. Yesterday towards the end of the day I started feeling achy and started with the post nasal drip. By the time I went to bed last night I felt like someone had beaten every inch of my body with percison. Yay sick and crappy. Elrock sorry I didnt call you yesterday, I didnt get your message until morning. How did MySquirrel and PHP go for you? I wanna learn PHP. COuld be cool. Anyway I think I am going to bury myself in the yard.