
Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Space Shmulk

A few points:

1) I am going to pay Johnny full price for the Space Hulk, if I am to buy it at all.

2) 2nd edition is more rare than first edition, however, I believe a purchase that includes Space Hulk 1rst ed., Deathwing, and Genestealer (RARE!) will sell for more than the 2nd ed. alone.

3) I enjoy collecting game, it's my thing.

4) I have no idea what about any SF trip, enlighten me!

5) Sunday: Denis and Peter came over. We did some BB tests, and bought some WarCry cards, and 2 Shadowrun action figure game guys. Denis told us about the kick ass 10mm dungeon project, and then finally sent us an email about it. Kewl!

6) I hate killing anything too. Now think about this at least, its not a vaccum sealed doom that awaits the flushig of the bug, if it can hold it's breath until the poo poo water hits the open sewer, it might make it once there is air to breathe and fly in. Then it will live a long and happy life in the sewers feasting on crocodiles, rats, CHUD's, and poop.

7) When can I at least read the story in your book? I've never seen it.