
Saturday, June 28, 2003

I need to test out my theory.

I think I solved the JAVA bowl problem. Whoever is online, pop me a ICQ and let's test it out...There is also a new version of JAVA JAR 1.4.2. I think the problem lies in the Operating system, it's environment, and compatibility with the JAVA software.

The reason, was I was trying to install 1.4.2 and I recieved a message stating that I needed to update my windows OS. While I was installing however, something peculiar (or miraculous) is that the same problem occured. During installation my Computer Rebooted! Therefore, this indicated to me that it wasn't a problem with Blood Bowl (java) but with the actual JAVA run-time software environment. Something in there is causing the system to reboot.

I downloaded ALL the updates and software patches for windows, and I was successful in installing 1.4.2 without any more messages. I'm thinking this will resolve the JAVA problem. This ties in with a lot of the problems on the forum as well, including one where XP was reloaded and it worked. I think when the person reloaded XP, the software automatically downloaded some SP updates from the microsoft site which fixed the problem.

As for Hardware, I think there's also something with the particular network cards or software that CAUSES the the JAVA software to reboot, but nothing is actually WRONG with the NIC or driver. It's just some incompatibility with JAVA software.

Jael the magnificent