
Friday, June 27, 2003

NEW version of JAVABloodBowl is out- Version 6!

I guess its got some new pics for elves n shit, so cool! And maybe Jael's comp won't crash with it. Hmm. Here! And he also mentions some crazy game hes making called Dungeon Bowl (it looks like BB but in a dungeon with walls here and there- weird!)

ADDED- Addictive Personality Bonus: You have to go to the FUMBBL channel on IRC. I went there, there was like 50 ppl there- and somehow if your IRC nickname is the same as your coach name, you type: bb lfg and a BOT shows everyone all your teams and ranks. So, you go in there "looking for game" and you can totally match up with people. I just played the Shadowgrove Phantoms and we tied 1-1 (he was wood elves.) The guy was good and gave me some nice pointers.

Rock on, Chicago.
