
Saturday, June 28, 2003

Prediction, etc.

- Jon will be on the road for at LEAST 16 hours round trip driving time, seeing as he is leaving from LA 4th of July weekend in the mid-morning, and returning IN THE AFTERNOON!!!!! Lemme tell you this, when I drove home from Kublacon at 10:30pm sunday night, there was traffic, and when I returned home at 4:30am, there was traffic, though not as bad of course. To drive home in the afternoon on Sunday after the 4th of July weekend is absolutely insane. Enron drove up the Sunday after Thanksgiving from LA to SF and it took him 11 hours.

- Sorry your SUPAR busy weekends have consisted of having your thumb up your ass... its not like you could played D&D or anything like that....

- This sunday is on, though to see Enron you will need to attend his brothers graduation party, he won't be around otherwise.

- It is awesome that Needles is playing other people at JavaBowl. Just too cool....

- Go to www.donotcall.gov and opt out of telemarketer's phone lists. This is the thing that is supposedly going to keep telemarketers off the phone lines.

- Riddle me this Johnny: While indeed the failing with the JavaBowl game and the NIC cards is infact the Java software's incompatability with the NIC card, or rather the way that it is used by the javabowl game, what does that really change as far as what must be done to find a solution? I have the newest release of Java, Windows SP3, and this particular piece of software still will not work with the NIC card that I have, I still need to change MY card because I don't think that Sun is going to change Java because of me.... then again, I could be wrong.

- Javabowl Sunday!!!!!!! For everyone!!!!!! (except Mike)