
Tuesday, June 24, 2003

YAy! it's great that you are now an official author in the wide world of publishing

so now you are officially a published author. congrats!
I haven't read a Mad magazine in a long long time. I used to remember buying them at the supermarket, the first i read being a parody on "Gremlins". no not 2, gremlins one. So that discloses my true age.

More on News:
I'm going to be selling most of my games on ebay by the poundage! (gasp) No i'm not nuts. There are just some games that I enjoyed in youth, but know that I will never play anymore, or have no desire to replay. Such as Axis and Allies (gasp), axis europe, Space Hulk (countless hours of fun with Jon), and others. So I'm giving you all a fair crack at it. Normally I wouldn't charge you guys, but here's the deal... It's based on a need only basis. If you REALLY REALLY want it and will truly enjoy having the game, I'll sell it to you cheap, just as a token. but honestly i would rather like to see some happy kid who earnestly wants it to derive enjoyment that we used to enjoy as kids. A little utopian? perhaps... it may just rot in some kids closet or transform them into a game zombie, but.... that is the curse. So Eric had dibs on Space hulk.. (how's 10 bucks sound?)....
Settlers of Catan
Doomtown cards (lots 2 boxes)
Firestorm (unopened)
Space fleet
Mutant Chronicles
Napoleon Battles (avalon hill) miniature rule game
Space Hulk 2nd ed
more games to come...
