
Saturday, January 06, 2007

Who'd a thought I'd sit thru a 5 minute youtube video in GERMAN! But I did! Funny stuff! That Klaus!

Played Banjo Commanjo Combat game with Eric today. GOOD STUFF. Yay, it's most definately more entertaining than ASL and definately more accessible. Lot's of fun. Oh yeah I pwned his ass to. (Pop Quiz: Did I use the correct "2" in the last sentence?)

Art: I was telling this to Eric today, but I'll pass it on to you too. If you didn't get a chance to check it out when I linked it last time, take the time to listen to the podcast/interview with Ron Gilbert HERE . We were talking about indy gaming over FUCKING SPAM SUSHI (THAT SHIT IS THE BEST!!!) and mistor monkey-island has a ton of interesting insight and opinions on the industry and all kinds of cool shit. Right up yer guyzez alley.

I got an even better Line Rider almost done but frack, that software I used to record it was so choppy. Oh yeah, the only reason I heard about Line Rider was an article over at IGN or something about how it was picked up by some company and is being developed as a game for the Wii and DS. THe guy who created it did it for a school art or animation project, and look how its taking off for him in just a few month. I believe we can fly just like R. Kelly guys!

PS: Yeah, got to finally play with Eric's wii. It was fun! God, it was kinda embarassing making my little avatar in the beginning because my HAND WAS SO DAMN SHAKY. I thought his tv was broke, but it was just my 'tarded hands. SO I dunno if I wanna get one now. BUT, pretty damn cool 'n fun! :)
Bits and Tits

Sushi: Awesome. My GF and I had some great happy hour sushi last night and then went and watched The Good Shepherd. That is a pretty long movie. I liked the time period portrayals and the characters. Good movie. It was Fun CIA paranoia goodness.

Also watched In the Pursuit of Happiness the night before. That was a hard movie to watch. Tough watching the main character fail slowly and slip in to worse and worse situations. I don't usually get so engrossed into a movie that I start to feel as if I am a character in the movie, but in this case I did. About two thirds the way through the movie I started worrying about where I was going to stay that night after the movie and how I was going to get money to eat. I mean just a freaky two or three second period of anxiety and then I would remind myself that I am not in his situation. Anyway, in the end his perseverance pays off, but it is a tough road getting there.

The descent was pretty good I thought, although I way liked the first half much more than the second. The creatures were just a bit silly and weak once they became more than just flitting images in the corner of your eye or a brief couple of frames in the front. Elzar: that part in which they are crawling through the tunnel barely wide enough to get through... Oh my lord was that absolute agony for me to watch! I have a tough of a claustrophobic personality and man that was brutal. In a lot of ways this was the scariest part of the movie for me. I am with you. I would not be caught dead in a cave like that.

Speaking of parks and what not... eLzar, since you like beautiful nature action, once you and the family get situated in the great "San Francisco Values" north ('cause we don't hate everything that isn't white protestant anglos) we should go on some sweet hike/park adventures. I am sure there is a lot of cool shizite in the Santa Cruz mountain areas and there is a lot in the Peninsula and Marin areas that are awesome to visit. Speaking of which... Jon we should go on a few soon with our special lady friends.

Spam: Uggg!

Warmachine: So pumped about the new Prime rules. I thought about them for the first time on Thursday (I have been sort of in a Warmachine void lately). We should make a group trip when it comes out (Read: sad excuse to make a run at the game store and get some beer). Kind of like "Jack in the Box" *Wink* *Wink*.

Rude: that is a pretty sweet line rider. I always thought it would be fun to make a track, but I am always too lazy to actually do it. Three cheers to ActionTeam glory! Myke Myke motobyke death jumps! A doctor AND an excellent stunt man apparently. You did forget to add two key elements: The pee and requisite key turning.

The DS is pretty sweet. My GF has been hopelessly addicted to hers (Particularly Mario Cart and the new Mario Brothers mini-games for some reason). I'll have to pry it from her hands next time she falls asleep playing it. Brilliant!

More political ranting: Saddam was a sadistic genocidal paranoid bastard whose dictatorial leadership of the baath party led to his ascension to power in Iraq on a political system strongly modeled after Hitler and the Nazi party. And yet, somehow we managed to make one of the most vilified men in the world, even by his own people, in to a martyr by lynching him. Great. Screw policing the rest of the world. We can not even police ourselves.

In other news: Man the Germans... Best safety training video evAr.

Spam musubi is a delightful treat. From its wikipedia entry:

Spam Musubi is a very popular snack or luncheon food in Hawaii made in the tradition of Japanese onigiri or omusubi. A slice of Spam is placed onto a block of rice and a piece of nori (dried seaweed) wrapped around the Spam-rice combination to hold it together. There is a common misconception that Spam musubi is a variation of sushi. In reality, it differs from sushi in that its rice lacks the vinegar required to classify it as such.

Spam musubi is appreciated for its taste and portability. A single piece, wrapped in cellophane, can be purchased at small deli-type convenience stores (including 7-Eleven stores) all over the Islands, ranging in price between one and two dollars. Spam musubi rice molds are available at many kitchen stores in Hawaii. These molds are a few inches deep with a width and breadth that matches a slice of Spam.

Geeky Warmachine Stuff

-- The new issue of No Quarter has a fun-looking sport minigame called Grind wherein a team of warjacks fights another for control of a mammoth spiked ball. If Blood Bowl is WHFB's football then this is WM's soccer (or to Europeans: footballé). Instead of spells, a warcaster on the sideline calls specific plays to affect the team. Looks fun! Maybe it would be a decent way for those of us who don't play the wargame anymore to dust off their pretty pretty warjacks.

-- New version of Prime comes out later this month. I'm looking forward to having a clean version of the rules. They only made five changes to the units. The changes mostly affect Khador and Cygnar, but there's a nice treat in there for Motorbike:
1. Sorscha's ugly-ass feat used to affect everything in her control area but now she has to have LOS as well.
2. Khador and Cygnar's mechanics now have jack marshal, and robuts that they fix no longer give up their activation, both of which suddenly makes these units AWESOME. I will probably start fielding these guys a lot now, considering they only cost 16 points.
3. The Cygnar Chain Gunners and Cygnar Sentinel (light jack that I don't have, 'cause it used to suck) get a big boost to hit with their machine gunnin' strafe attacks.
4. An extremely powerful, but very very fiddly spell used by Haley (Cygnar warcaster) got changed so it is still powerful but no longer fiddly, which means I might actually use that warcaster.
5. The Repenter (Menoth light warjack) now sets anything it hits with its flamethrower on fire, which I imagine will make Myke peepee a little bit.

-- Due to the holidays and whatnot we haven't played too much lately but I have been painting quite a bit. I'm really happy with my purplebots and I'm finally painting my long gunner unit.

-- I got two new dire trolls for Xmas (one from Enron, one from the gf), one of which is the mega-troll. This means I have a family of three dire trolls and I have named them Aaron, David, and Pat.

-- Finally, I gave the new P3 paints a shot and I like them pretty well. The metals are about on par with the Citadel stuff, but there's really no beating Boltgun Metal IMO. What really shines is the coverage, especially on the flesh tones which are way less chalky than the Vallejo/Citadel flesh tones.

Angry Political Rant

In the days since Saddam's execution, to all appearances it appears that the clusterfuck that was the execution is just making America look even worse in the long run. The effect of Saddam keeping his composure while a bunch of morons jeer and taunt him is that many people who previously thought he was just an asshole, now think that he went out in a noble manner. In other words, he's been martyred. Sweet. I'm sure this means great things for the future. Thanks again for the competent war-handling, George C. Bush.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Doesn't feel like a work day

Well I'm back in toon-town, where it's all animated, oh wait, no.. it's real life, but I just don't feel like in the mood for work after 3 weeks of practically doing nothing. I have no idea what I should start on and am just deciding, but i'm sure there's lots to do. So I have chosen to blog and waste my time that way.

Was fun seeing the lot of ya though. Spam musubi, wthell is that? It's probably on the net, just too lazy to key in a search.

Well i hope 2007 is a great year for all!
I love spam musubi. Next time you go to Hawaii, you should buy some in 7-11! I actually have a spam musubi-making kit in my pantry, believe it or not!

Guitar Hero II is awesome. I just beat Hard level tonight... Freebird took me several tries. Pinche song. Other than that I didn't have too much trouble with any song except for the Living End one. I moved to Expert and "Woman" kicked my butt. Muthafuckin' challenge, yo!

Descent was scary as hell in the theater, I liked it quite a bit. The UK ending is very different, much more downbeat. Normally I kinda prefer the darker endings but in this case I liked the US ending more. Not that it was super jolly necessarily.

I'm probably gonna see Pan's Labyrinth tomorrow. The trailers look supar sweet. Supposedly the director is going to direct Mountains of Madness at some point.

Oh, and sweet line ride r00d. Now I'm going to go "ride the line" myself, if you know what I mean, wink wink*

* for me "ride the line" is slang for "brush teeth and go to bed"

Thursday, January 04, 2007

I Be Here, Mon

Much like Art, I am still sputtering about after the holidays. Things totally shut down for a few days, and it is hard to get back on the motivational wagon again. News and notes from around the league:

- Combat Commander: Europe is the greatest game ever.

- Zelda is pretty fun too.

- The DS is a great little system.

- Our house should go to market beginning of Feb. And no, we have no place to move, but rather than find something, get our hopes up, and then have our sale lag and therefore miss our dream house, we are waiting for ours to enter escrow, then we will immediately hit the Great Gay/Hippie North and find a humble abode.

- The Descent was not a terrible movie, but it wasn't good. I liked the creepy crawling scenes through the tunnels, including the collapse, because not 5 seconds earlier I was telling myself I would NEVER do that because what happens if for some against all odds reason, there is an earthquake and the whole tunnel collapses on me. I liked the old spelunking artifacts and the first time the crazy bat men were on the screen. I also liked whatever park they were in cause that place was beautiful! Other than that, it was a stinker, particularly the whole Chicks as Rambo thing. I like the ending too. Fitting. Wow. I typed WAY more than this really deserved.

- Spam Musubi from Back home at Lahaina is AWESOME! Even better when you go during happy hour and you get it for $1.13 per order along with your $2.00 Widmer Hefeweisen pint. Delicious and cheap as F!
Dig the line rider vid, Rood!

Still here, just trying to get back into the swing of things post-holiday.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

IS EVERYONE OK? I'm all freaked out. Hope you guys r all good. I made an Action Team themed Line Rider course and uploaded it to YouTube here:
Click if you still love action team!?

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Omg, I know I'm always years behind on stupid fun internet sites, but ALL day at work I've been cracking myself up playing Line Rider. I make the best fucking tracks ever.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Well, another year bites the dust. Happy New Year guys! Hope you're outlook for 07 is as good as mine!

PS - Just watched the season finale to the BBC Robin Hood, ahhh SO GOOOD! No spoilers, but every episode ends on like a still-shot (remember, Police Files/Naked Gun spoofed that method) and anyways on this last episode it has the gang walking out of a castle and then they all go "YEAH!" and kinda jump n cheer and it freezes on that - SO FUCKING GREAT. I love the nacho cheezyness!
The one that got away

Oh man, I really should've taken Leslie's advice and grabbed the Wii from Target, but instead I was all in a hurry to hit the road so we just left. But since then I have become obsessed with finding one. I've probably wasted 4 hours checking stores and it would've taken maybe half an hour out of our way to go get one.

Mostly I'm obsessed because it seems like such a fun thing to have at the New Year's Eve party tonight. In my mind, the Wii has grown into this device of mammoth fun generation that would ensure that the party is a hit. Instead, now that there is no Wii, it will be a solemn affair, only the dreary noise of our lips smacking drowning out the sound of our thoughts. Apologies guys!

I love Guitar Hero II. I'm playing through hard and am at the fifth group of songs. It emphasizes different skills than the first one. I think there's more extreme hand movement. However, so far I seem to be up to the task! I will demolish you, Hangar 18!!!

As for the game spreadsheet idear, good call. I for one am tired of seeing "750-point Merc vs. Cygnar mega-showdown!" every time I log into the site, myself. Therefore, it is done! The current stuff now belongs to the 2006 tab, as of tomorrow start using the 2007 tab. Huzzah for internets!
when i stop being sick u gotta let me come and try out that wii! i'm super half-assed looking for one. i mean, i figure by march it'll be like going into best buy to grab a ps2 now, ya think? i just don't feel like hunting around atm.
Thanks for the Holiday Cheer, Trashy.com!

- Leslie found a Wii 2 days after Xmas and it is a blast! Zelda is teh rox0rz, Call of Duty is teh 5hitz0rz, and Wii Sports Rul3z!

- Down to only Hangar 18 and Freebird on GHII, wish me luck everyone, I certainly don't WANT to break my guitar over the TV because it won't activate the Star Power when I need it to, but I am getting closer every time I play...

- Combat Commander by GMT is one of the best games I have ever played.

- I vote that we save/print the current game log and file it under 2006 and start a new 2007 spreadsheet. Agreed? Maybe we can add it as an appendix to the Action Team Book: Eject Functionality, that is due to hit the shelves 2 years ago?