
Saturday, January 06, 2007

Spam musubi is a delightful treat. From its wikipedia entry:

Spam Musubi is a very popular snack or luncheon food in Hawaii made in the tradition of Japanese onigiri or omusubi. A slice of Spam is placed onto a block of rice and a piece of nori (dried seaweed) wrapped around the Spam-rice combination to hold it together. There is a common misconception that Spam musubi is a variation of sushi. In reality, it differs from sushi in that its rice lacks the vinegar required to classify it as such.

Spam musubi is appreciated for its taste and portability. A single piece, wrapped in cellophane, can be purchased at small deli-type convenience stores (including 7-Eleven stores) all over the Islands, ranging in price between one and two dollars. Spam musubi rice molds are available at many kitchen stores in Hawaii. These molds are a few inches deep with a width and breadth that matches a slice of Spam.

Geeky Warmachine Stuff

-- The new issue of No Quarter has a fun-looking sport minigame called Grind wherein a team of warjacks fights another for control of a mammoth spiked ball. If Blood Bowl is WHFB's football then this is WM's soccer (or to Europeans: footballé). Instead of spells, a warcaster on the sideline calls specific plays to affect the team. Looks fun! Maybe it would be a decent way for those of us who don't play the wargame anymore to dust off their pretty pretty warjacks.

-- New version of Prime comes out later this month. I'm looking forward to having a clean version of the rules. They only made five changes to the units. The changes mostly affect Khador and Cygnar, but there's a nice treat in there for Motorbike:
1. Sorscha's ugly-ass feat used to affect everything in her control area but now she has to have LOS as well.
2. Khador and Cygnar's mechanics now have jack marshal, and robuts that they fix no longer give up their activation, both of which suddenly makes these units AWESOME. I will probably start fielding these guys a lot now, considering they only cost 16 points.
3. The Cygnar Chain Gunners and Cygnar Sentinel (light jack that I don't have, 'cause it used to suck) get a big boost to hit with their machine gunnin' strafe attacks.
4. An extremely powerful, but very very fiddly spell used by Haley (Cygnar warcaster) got changed so it is still powerful but no longer fiddly, which means I might actually use that warcaster.
5. The Repenter (Menoth light warjack) now sets anything it hits with its flamethrower on fire, which I imagine will make Myke peepee a little bit.

-- Due to the holidays and whatnot we haven't played too much lately but I have been painting quite a bit. I'm really happy with my purplebots and I'm finally painting my long gunner unit.

-- I got two new dire trolls for Xmas (one from Enron, one from the gf), one of which is the mega-troll. This means I have a family of three dire trolls and I have named them Aaron, David, and Pat.

-- Finally, I gave the new P3 paints a shot and I like them pretty well. The metals are about on par with the Citadel stuff, but there's really no beating Boltgun Metal IMO. What really shines is the coverage, especially on the flesh tones which are way less chalky than the Vallejo/Citadel flesh tones.

Angry Political Rant

In the days since Saddam's execution, to all appearances it appears that the clusterfuck that was the execution is just making America look even worse in the long run. The effect of Saddam keeping his composure while a bunch of morons jeer and taunt him is that many people who previously thought he was just an asshole, now think that he went out in a noble manner. In other words, he's been martyred. Sweet. I'm sure this means great things for the future. Thanks again for the competent war-handling, George C. Bush.