
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Thanks for the Holiday Cheer, Trashy.com!

- Leslie found a Wii 2 days after Xmas and it is a blast! Zelda is teh rox0rz, Call of Duty is teh 5hitz0rz, and Wii Sports Rul3z!

- Down to only Hangar 18 and Freebird on GHII, wish me luck everyone, I certainly don't WANT to break my guitar over the TV because it won't activate the Star Power when I need it to, but I am getting closer every time I play...

- Combat Commander by GMT is one of the best games I have ever played.

- I vote that we save/print the current game log and file it under 2006 and start a new 2007 spreadsheet. Agreed? Maybe we can add it as an appendix to the Action Team Book: Eject Functionality, that is due to hit the shelves 2 years ago?