
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Ugh. Sorry you're sick duder. I don't think I'm responsible... I had more of a sore throat kinda thing, no flu symptoms. I remember your awesome Nyquil dreams. Keep us informed on any out-of-body experiences like the one you had in high school (weird I remember that).

Meanwhile, may I suggest this fine lady as a panacea? Keep in mind, this is but one of the many fine offerings over at our sponsor, Trashy Lingerie (trashy.com); only the best, for only the actioniest!

Paging all Ja-Els

I don't have a contact number for you (besides some number for your mom, which I tried)... I want to invite you to tomorrow night's New Year's party but I gotta get in touch with you first! You have my number, call me up!