
Friday, January 05, 2007

I love spam musubi. Next time you go to Hawaii, you should buy some in 7-11! I actually have a spam musubi-making kit in my pantry, believe it or not!

Guitar Hero II is awesome. I just beat Hard level tonight... Freebird took me several tries. Pinche song. Other than that I didn't have too much trouble with any song except for the Living End one. I moved to Expert and "Woman" kicked my butt. Muthafuckin' challenge, yo!

Descent was scary as hell in the theater, I liked it quite a bit. The UK ending is very different, much more downbeat. Normally I kinda prefer the darker endings but in this case I liked the US ending more. Not that it was super jolly necessarily.

I'm probably gonna see Pan's Labyrinth tomorrow. The trailers look supar sweet. Supposedly the director is going to direct Mountains of Madness at some point.

Oh, and sweet line ride r00d. Now I'm going to go "ride the line" myself, if you know what I mean, wink wink*

* for me "ride the line" is slang for "brush teeth and go to bed"