
Saturday, January 06, 2007

Who'd a thought I'd sit thru a 5 minute youtube video in GERMAN! But I did! Funny stuff! That Klaus!

Played Banjo Commanjo Combat game with Eric today. GOOD STUFF. Yay, it's most definately more entertaining than ASL and definately more accessible. Lot's of fun. Oh yeah I pwned his ass to. (Pop Quiz: Did I use the correct "2" in the last sentence?)

Art: I was telling this to Eric today, but I'll pass it on to you too. If you didn't get a chance to check it out when I linked it last time, take the time to listen to the podcast/interview with Ron Gilbert HERE . We were talking about indy gaming over FUCKING SPAM SUSHI (THAT SHIT IS THE BEST!!!) and mistor monkey-island has a ton of interesting insight and opinions on the industry and all kinds of cool shit. Right up yer guyzez alley.

I got an even better Line Rider almost done but frack, that software I used to record it was so choppy. Oh yeah, the only reason I heard about Line Rider was an article over at IGN or something about how it was picked up by some company and is being developed as a game for the Wii and DS. THe guy who created it did it for a school art or animation project, and look how its taking off for him in just a few month. I believe we can fly just like R. Kelly guys!

PS: Yeah, got to finally play with Eric's wii. It was fun! God, it was kinda embarassing making my little avatar in the beginning because my HAND WAS SO DAMN SHAKY. I thought his tv was broke, but it was just my 'tarded hands. SO I dunno if I wanna get one now. BUT, pretty damn cool 'n fun! :)