
Saturday, June 10, 2006

i'm actually kinda enjoying KOTAR even though I only play it for literally 20 mins at a time. Maybe .. MAYBE .. close to an hour in a day if that. But, its ok enough to just jump in and out of here that there (so far.) Biggest complaint though, oh my god: The voice acting for the aliens is SO retarded (no offense enron). The line will be something like "I want the bounty on his head!" and it will literally take 60 fuckin seconds of gibberish alien talk to get that 1 tiny sentence out. SO STUPID. Otherwise, bet this game was tits when it came out!

They were saying on public radio the other day that on new year's day 2002, gas in the los angeles area was average of $0.99 a gallon. Can you friggin believe that!?
My brother in law bought a Prius and it was really pretty cool with all the technological doo-dads and whatnot. I liked the voice interaction with the computer, including blue-tooth compatability with your cell phone to call people on command and patch them through the speakers. The trip computer is pretty kick ass too. I think it's connected to traffic-reporting servers that alert you of traffic jams ahead and provide you with alternate routes, even.

Actually, his Prius was where I got the idea for our road-trip route from Washington to Vegas. For kicks, we plugged in the two cities and it came up with that route as a comparably fast route because of the highway speeds and lack of mountain passes.

Anyway. When we get our current vehicle paid off, we're probably going to buy some kind of hybrid. The only problem with them is that the battery is MEGA expensive to replace and it needs replacing every five years or so (or so I hear). Not sure how cool that is, but anyway.
Prius, Shmeeus

Well, we are TRYING to offload the Infiniti and pick up a Prius. We are basically trying to get an equvalent payment per month that we have with the FX, and if we can't, we need to re-group and see what alternatives there are. The thing is, the Prius is basically just a tricked out economy car... a comparatively really expensive tricked out economy car, and we just can't see giving up what we have with the FX, which is sort of a low-end luxury-ish car, to pay more for a Prius. Our payments are outstanding with the FX 'cause we traded in Leslie's Jetta at the time, and if we can't match those payments, then like everyone else in the world, we have to put Mother Nature second, and our family and our payments first.

I agree, it is a cool ass funny looking car. Kinda like the FX. And Enron, I guess the mileage is "pretty good", if 51/60 is "pretty good"! And yes, I know that the printed is not what you actually get, but c'mon, 51/60?!?!?!

Not to mention, I actually fit in the car, which is weird, and Leslie can fit comfortably BEHIND me while I drive, which is saying something.

So, it will be cool if it happens, but the more we wait, the more I doubt.
Finally got all my software re-loaded and updated and all that jazz. I feel like a real computar owner again. Yay.

Lost in the midst of all this mirth, the Big E said: I'm going to buy a Prius

I have to say, I really, really dig these little guys a lot. Not just because they get a bazillion MPG.. but the technology involved is really kick ass. The bluetooth stuff is amazing.
rise against the grain

I've never really listened to Rise Against, but just checked out their upcomming cd, and i like it! Heard about them basically from that BR Live DVD. Nice shit here, get it!

You know, Stranger Than Fiction is a PRETTY DARN GOOD album! Definately some stinkers on it, but for the most part, some of their sickest jams I think! My favorite BR song for the last 2 days has been "News from the Front" from that cd.
EDIT: Hmm, looked up BR on amazon and "news from the front" only seems to come from a punk-o-rama?! Darn it, I have it tagged for Stranger than fishin, dammit I dunno, that song is the rockinest tho.

Old metal-heads at work busted out cassette tapes of Exodus and another band (I think called Overkill or something stupid like that.) They talked about seeing Metallica open for Exodus in NY and taking 7 hits of acid n shit. Fuckin' old metalheads.
I Heart Games

Man, Caylus was awesome! I have forgotten just how much fun a good game, played in it's entirety, can be. Wylie is starting to sleep through the night to the tune of 12 - 13 hours, which means two things for me:

- First, it looks like I might be able to play a game or two on the weekends again!

- Second, I am probably sleeping less than before right now because I need to check on Wylie all night long to make sure he isn't dead. The little guy sleeps SO hard and soundly, we get nervous when we don't hear a peep from him for like 5 hours at a time! Kids. Good times.

Hopefully gonna play some Twilight Struggle with Denis tonight, so more fodder for Data's Base.

I'm gonna delete the joke entries to the game log unless someone else does first. Mkay?

Friday, June 09, 2006

Thanks. I'm feeling like crap, and might be starting to come down with something. Tahoe sounds like fun though. Take pictures and call me when u guys get back.
Famous on the Internet Since 2002

In one of my follow the links for no apparent reason quest for more.less useless knowledge in my life, I found myself on the Alexa website and looked up theactionteam.org. It said there were 3 links to it from external websites: One from Blogger, but the other two...


About 2/5 down the page I found this!

"Surfed on to this blog this am. No idea what it's about, but I like it. Has always the qualities to make it a good blog - it's irreverent, witty, to the point and totally existential. Have a look."


I didn't even read this page, just searched for the actionteam in the page source. Anyway, apparently:

"Finally, according to Scoop's own logs the following have been the top 910 referring pages to Bev Harris's "Inside A U.S. Vote Counting Program"

We are the third rated "3" on the infinite list of referring pages. Great.

That is all.

jA-eL: I will also be in the land of Tahoe this weekend. Aimey and I are driving up this evening. Sure you dont want to go? Last chance to catch the A train to T-Hoe. I dont think their will be much pole polishing going on this morning. But that's just me.

Factoid of note: Antonio Banderas is not Mexican, he's Spanish.

"Duff man never dies, only the actors who portray him"
Dead eyes

"Sancho, When you are a man, sometimes you wear stretchy pants... in your room... for fun"

He sort of talks like Antonio Banderas, who, as we all know is the only authentic Mexican, truly, cuz he is zorro. In fact all mexicans talk with a muffled rasp, with a lengthened slur and sounds like you pissed him off by drinking his corona homebrew and has a guitar case "fuuuuull ov Guuuns".

Although, for a true lovin Californian without a slightest idea of what a real mexican sounds like (only seen em run on tv) (doh- i'm a racist fuck - all i see is racist facist), DAMN that movie rocks a la casa mia hombre!

Aran, sure I can go and partake in the festivities. Will it be at that italian restaurant? Man time flies. What are you and amies plan this weekend while Jon is up in tahoe getting his poles polished ur I mean skiing down the mountain... heh.. joke dude, that's my new rapper name Crass-eus Claysius!


Thursday, June 08, 2006

Back from the Dead. Elzar, read: No Rest for the Dead

jr0n: I think the spreadsheet will have to work as a solution for now. Not elegant, not good for data drilling, sorting, etc... We can always export/import it into a DB later.

eLzar: Gettin' a prius eh? Cool I guess. They are pretty good on the mileage. I just can not get over the booty on that car. Did you offload the TRUCKUMS too? Last I heard you were looking for a home for it.

fArt: Bummer/Sweet. Nothing more sad than the death of a good friend, the gaming rig. Boooo... You can only cure those wounds with a sweet replacement rig.

ja-El: Like fArt said, digital still cameras really are not very good for video and vice versa. They are okay for a funny little clip or something quickly portable, but by mno means are digital cameras going to produce VCR quality or even broadcast TV quality. So what ever your application is, keep all that in mind. Also, since you are in town, Aimey is having a B-Day dinner thing on either Friday the 16th or Saturday the 17th? Aimey said most of the people have voted 17th. What say you?

BTW Elzar, the crazy lady said, after we you and I said "Oh, shit I made eye contact with her", that she was going to tear "not one... not two... but all three of your balls off."

Why did I just watch that guy yell at that kid for 6 minutes. Geez. It was boring. Nacho Libre on the other hand was sweet, if only for the great caveman midgets.

The Back Room

So I'm re-re-cleaning/organizing the back room to make more space for continued accumulation of unused but awesome wargames, as well as Wylie crap. I have started to work through my separation anxiety from all my games by boxing a huge chunk of them up and letting them rot in a storage unit. No more with HERO or Buffy RPG to sit on my shelf. No more White Dwarfs, no more Hacker. I figure the longer they are out of site, the easier it will be to eventually get rid of them.


At least now I get to look at and salivate over games I am more excited about: ASL, C&C Ancients, B-17, Carcassonne (weird), and the like.

Pointless post. Sorry, I'm killing time at a car dealership looking to unload the lease on the Infiniti and pick up a Prius.
Back online, sort of.

My motherboard went tits up a week-plus ago so I had a difficult decision to make. Pay about $200-$300 for a new mobo/powersupply and/or RAM.. or just bite the bullet and get mostly all-new guts for a new machine. So, knowing that I *should* be able to sell my Rambus on newegg or pricewatch or whatever at a decent price (as the damned things are rediculously expensive anyway).. the $400-$600 I'll get from the sale of my old RAM will hopefully offset the $850 I just spent on new components. But, for my trouble, I'm now the proud owner of a brand new AMD 3800 dual core, 2gig Corsair RAM monster machine. Yay, me.

Regarding cameras/camcorders: The major difference you'll find is that the digital camcorder provides a LOT more recording time, at a much better quality/resolution/sound-capture than a digital camera.. BUT they usually are fairly crappy for taking photos. Whereas.. digital cameras (the right ones, anyway) are great for photos, and vary greatly in their ability to capture video. I finally settled on our Fujifilm S7000 camera because it provided the best mix of amateur/pro camera abilities along with 30 frames per second motion capture. If you get a digital camera, beware their ability to capture motion but only at a reduced frame rate. You'll be very unhappy with the motion capture at anything below 24fps. The plus to using our digital camera (mini-SLR) for motion capture is that it automatically stores video as AVI, and it's as simple as plugging in the USB cord to transfer it over to our computer. The minus is that the sound capture is a little bit limited (microphone is an "area" mic, on the side of the camera).. and you can't change the zoom while it is recording, and it has no on-board lighting for video.

Oh, the other thing to make sure of is the resolution at which the camera records motion-capture. Some cameras will allow 24+ fps but only if you select the smallest available capture size.. (meh)

So, I guess it depends on what you need it to do for you, and how much you want to spend, and how much you care about the ability to take quality still photos as well.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

ya i watched it the 1st time u posted it - it was really funny - i really liked the way it was shot - looked "classy" kinda. BUT saw a regular tv-spot for the movie and it was a lot more "standard" and didnt look as funny to me. i havent been to the movies since Independence Day, so dunno if i'll catch this one. Maybe on dvd tho 4 sure. nice spreadsheet. should i enter my cell-phone games into the database, or is it for u and eric??? ?????? ?? ?????

edit: i noticed that little moment you were talking about - yeah, that made me el oh el for sure heh. good eye peterson!
Hey dude... getting the gmail account was the first step. Congraturation! Now you need to email me your gmail account name, and then I can allow it spreadsheet access.

I thought the video was pretty funny/uncomfortable to watch. I recommend watching the Nacho Libre trailer again to wash the taste out of your mouth.

I just find that trailer completely hilarious. After watching it extensively I've boiled it down to two main factors. First of all, the midgets look kind of like miniatures. This is clearest in the second shot of them, in the tight closeup of the two approaching Jack Black and his partner while swinging their "claws." Their faces are frozen in a total orc face and they appear to have an ink wash in the folds of their skin, especially the one on the left.

The other thing I like is halfway through the trailer in the shot after the midget jumps off the rail and scissorlocks Jack Black's neck. In the shot I am referring to Jack Black and the two midgets are lying on the ring getting up. The great part is when the midget on the right stands up, then, for no reason at all, does a forward somersault into a stand and does this awesome pose coming out of it. The somersault/pose is not even towards anything in the ring, it's totally for show! It's not even the focus of the shot! But I can't stop watching it!
Warmachinez Con I

Never wear 3 day old socks on an overnight flight especially when they allow you to take off your shoes and wear complimentary slippers!

Jorn: I got the link and signed into the spreadsheet, but only see a blank spreadsheet. Did you share the one you made? Pass me an invite. The spreadsheet is really basic excel form. Anyhow gimme a call when you and aaron get back from the weekend up in tahoe. I'm in Fremont now. I might attend a rodeo briefly on saturday.

It may not have resulted in an outright tooth-for-tooth brawl, but it sure borderlined on foulness. This is a good reason to bring a V-recorder of some sort with you at all times 1) you get 2 minutes of fame 2) you can claim self defense 3) you can capture all the weirdos out there.
Edit: what i mean by 2 min of fame is that this guy was a real loser and he got the entire last page of the Asian Wall street journal, apparently being interviewed by 40 reporters for various publications, AND got a huge job offer from a famous 40 chain steakhouse as a public spokesperson. For me, since he was so crass, I wouldn't eat at a steakhouse that would make him as a spokesperson. I eat a steak and he fucks my mom? Maybe I should punch your head two times?

So what's the difference between a good digital camera that can take unlimited mpeg video (or unlimited to the amount of memory) and an actual digital video camera? Any recommendations of which way to go for the above purpose?
Maybe I should punch your head two times?

Just watched the talking phone fuck your mom man video, and the way Jael built it up I thought there was going to be some egregious goings on involving an old man asking people to punch him, and then watching him getting punched, a la bumfights, but I was let down to find this was just a crazy man yelling at a younger man on a bus.

If only someone caught on film the time the crazy lady in LA came over the burger joint Mike, Enron, and I were snacking in, and gave me an earful. That would have been fun. I remember something about all being faggots, something about abominations before god, and I think something like she had all our dicks in her bag, or something or other. Good stuff.

I think someone should remake that video, using actors of course, that spoke the english translation. That would be some funny shit.

Maybe I should punch your head two times?
dude, that video was so crazy lol! by the end i wanted to kill that guy myself! geez
Enron, Eric, you guys should have access to the spreadsheet now.

Jael, I sent you an invite to get a gmail address. Sign up for that shit and then email me!

Everybody else??? ??? ????????
Das Schpriedenschietensteinen

I am officially a Google Labs Lab Rat, too. So, are you ever going to share your precious spreadsheet with us jr0n? Hurry up and do it, cause I wanna change it all, and hax0rz your shit, man.

Oh yeah, my gmail email is firstname.lastname at gmail dot com.
This guys a fucking dickweed


5 million downloads and rising. This is a subculture phenomenon. "Supposedly" it reflects pressures on society in hong kong and people actually relating. I think that's trying to put too much reason and giving too much credit to this asshole. I say it's just an old POS that is asking to be punched in the face. Conversely, I'm amazed how composed the kid is in comparison being short of many years of wisdom to this old fool, plus he was probably shocked and taken back at the reaction a tap on the shoulder and telling someone to pipe down. Do you think the guy would mess with someone bigger than he?

Between the point when the guy said shake hands then I fuck your mom, I'd fucking deck him and I think the kid would win in court having that video as evidence. Wow.. I'm surprised no one intervened either.

This is a huge social dilemma just because there's so many taboos to be broken here. First, the guy is looking for a fight. Second, he was just peppering insults. I'd take a metallic object and whack him and call it self defense, when he turned around to answer the phone.

I don't know. Would I be in the wrong then? Would the victim become the aggressor. That's often the question. I heard before that a house-thief was on someones roof. The roof caved in and he successfully sued the owner for personal injury liability on account that that roof wasn't in par with up to date roof safety. CRAZY.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

OK Rudy, I think I solved the clues in time, so hopefully the blood isn't on my hands.

I have. So. Many. Miniatures to paint. My God, how did I come to this state?

But I'm vowing, I'm getting these shits painted. First my Cygnar chumps. Then the polish on the Skorne elephant. Then finishing my half-done Cryx chumps. Then my Hordes "Oi! Dat's Me Leg" troll gang. Then we'll see. Tonight I finished off the little gobber squirt so that's one check on the list. Yeah, his eyes look kinda like Kermit the Frog but so what. Next up Stormsmiths, the Defender, and Nemo. The thing that really holds me back is that I suxx0r so much at painting humanoid-sized figures.

Also it is disheartening so have guys that are primed but unpainted for weeks or months. I now believe it's way better to just leave them pewter if you won't get to them for a while and that's my new watchword. No priming until I'm ready to paint them.

Enron I say we get our 750-point squads painted by the end of June. We need goals, man.
my fucking cock-sucking name at gmail dot com.


rudymang*** (like the da vinci code figurin out what the *s are in my email) at gmail dot com

wait, you're sending out spreadsheets?

PS following yer advice, i went and bought KOTOR. or as I like to call it now, BORETOR. i am a genius.
Anybody who doesn't have a gmail account yet, email me your current account name and I'll hook you up.
Hmm... a solution has presented itself in the form of Google spreadsheets. All praise our ever-encroaching corporate masters!

I've set up a quick n' dirty spreadsheet on it. The only wrinkle is that currently it is only accessible to people with Google accounts. All of you being hip urban types, I'll assume that either you're with it and have accounts, have the wherewithal to get one set up, or are frankly not worth talking to. (These are only assumptions and may prove to be erroneous, however.) Anyway please email me your account names. Either my earthlink account or my gmail account will do. If you don't have my gmail account address, it's:


Note, this will also serve as a test to see if you can spell my damn name right!!!
All your Data's Base are belong to us.

eLzar: That is what I am getting at. That check is designed to provide DB integrity by automatically offering those options in a pull down menu, or some other consistency check of that nature. Otherwise, I have to force the DB engine to cross reference two tables and in the end completely write a new PHP or Perl interface myself, which is probably how people do it in such a restrictive environment. The reason Lunarpages does this is to cut down on processing cycle consumption on their DB Servers. By making the DB table transaction processing integrity weak, they save on CPU cycles. Unfortunately it becomes much more difficult for the programmer. They are forced to complicate the front end PHP app to do more calls to the DB engine.

All this pain in the bootiness does not help when the App that I thought would work as a less desirable, if not necessary, solution was passing logon info in the clear. Ugggg... Who thinks that’s okay?

Anyway, my sickness has removed me from unnecessary computer usage, so it will have to wait until later this week or early next week for me to get back onto the project.

Data's Base

Hey Enron, to solve the cross search of tables, which lunarpages doesn't allow apparently, couldn't there be a part of the submission form that includes a dropdown list of all the games previously entered? That way, when someone wants to add a game session, they can first look at the dropdown to see if it already exists, and if it has not been, you could enter a new game. If the system works, each game would only be entered once, and the nomenclature would remain the same, barring a gross mispelling of the game's first letter. Carcassonne, NOT Blarcassonne. Axis and Allies, NOT Blaxis and Blallies. You get the picture.

There is a little bit more work there, as far as the form/s are concerned, but it might solve the cross table search dilemma.

Monday, June 05, 2006

i actually played planescape: torement recently, but the setting bummed me out too much to really dive into it. Wish I would have tried it when it was newer-ish. Might have gave it more of a shot.

Here was some fun from Eve. My corp's alliance was "war decced" by the biggest merc alliance in the game last weekend (we're one of the biggest industrial alliances, so hmm, wonder who hired "Mercernary Coalition" on us!), and here's a shot of our gang on one of the jump gates into our system. I actually missed the big fight when it happened, but by the time it went down it was about 100 ships to a side. All the little purple icons are ppl in my gang. Good times. Pretty much the war is 24 hours a day, so I usually jump on for a little here and there to do some defense - sometimes nothing, sometimes it gets nuts. my life is crap.
Any of you guys see this teaser for Nacho Libre? I dunno, man, I saw the trailer for it with X-Men 3 and it looks pretty damn funny.
I played Knights of the Old Republic (or KOTOR, as it is known). It was enjoyable for a while but eventually ground into tedium for the following reasons (following in Jael's footsteps and making a list):

1. The game is supposed to take place 3000 years before Star Wars but everything from light sabers to alien types is exactly the same. Spaceships just look a teeny bit different. It's stupid.
2. The plot is cool at first but then gets boring.
3. There is LOTS AND LOTS of dialogue, which is not that well-written. (Play Planescape: Torment for lots of good dialogue! Honestly dude! <-- nobody will ever believe me though. :( )
4. The quests all kinda feel the same.
5. As with many games, eventually you get so powerful that you decimate the opposition, which makes all the time you've spent considering how to build up your characters seem kinda worthless.

There is one great thing though and that is the psychotic droid in your party that calls all humans "meatbags." Especially because the guy I carpool with calls people that he brings along just to get around paying the toll on the Bay Bridge "meatbags."

Good/Bad Review of Things I've Done or Seen Lately

X-Men 3: Not very good.
Snakes on a Plane trailer: Pretty good.
Match Point: Pretty good.

The end
I don't know about NVN2, there was some things that I immediately picked out I didn't like

TOp 10:
1) CEO's Lisp and stutters (will i turn into that if I play the game too much?)
2) Movement engine - Seems like there's 2 views, one is you can be playing WOW style or old NVN. WOW style won't fit the click and move style of play that NVN uses, or my other choice is to go back to NVN (topview) without all the stunning graphics. hmmmm....
3) CEO kept on clicking doors: is that another problem or maybe it's just a retard problem. Could be both!
4) The new Strategy system? wtf. That takes the fun out of RTS if I have to pause and unpause.
5) The game seems laden with new graphics. For a game thats mostly played from top view, it seems most of these features will be unused (ie, sun sparc, shadows, lighting)
6) Was it me or that was the lamest barbarian I have ever seen.
7) Did he try to talk me through the loading screen? Took forever as well, and that was probably on a Loaded Pent with Rad95, 2gb mem.
8) Need to see the multiplayer sequences (online play)
9) At this point, I think I'd rather play WOW
10) Actually, I'd rather play WOW

This isnt really new (from e3) but it's new to me:
Neverwinter Nights 2 E3 presentation shit on you tube
vid 2
vid 3

Looks pretty cool! Can't wait.

PS: anyone ever play: Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic ?
He mentions it in one of the nwn vids and then i just read some good reviews. It's an rpg?? i dont know nothin about it dude!

Well.. whatever database you're planning, aron, you better do it quick!

Cuz after tomorrow 6/6/2006, it ain't gonna matter!

(pssst... it's bogus) I don't really care but find it culturally funny that we have these numerical superstitions. so wouldn't it be a lot better if the calendar read 6/6/6666???

another 4200 years fuckos! SPPPAAACCEE MARRINNEES kKKKKkK Kk k KKK K!!!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Do It!

I think we were definitely pusses in the past. However as we, well at least I, have definitely changed to where we need less sleep as we have aged. I can not sleep 9 hours anymore. I used to be a wreck if I didn’t. Now I can rarely get more than 7 hours unless I am sick. In fact I often feel like crap if I sleep moer then 7.5 hours. This past con I didn’t get more than 5 hours on any night, which is on the low end, but not abnormal. The real problem was that within those five hours, I didn’t sleep very well. I didn’t even need to sleep that short. Stupid ingrained getting up at 6:30. Ass.

Elzar, now I have to imagine for you and fArt, you guys must have a serious tolerance for sleep deprivation. I think if you get amped up for gamin' you will dive into it and play hardcore style, if others are there to play along. The reason you can get by on such little sleep is because there is a reason. As soon as everyone goes into puss mode like last GenCon SoCal, there is no reason to go the extra mile. In other words, it all depends on the others motivations.

I think after the last Con jr0n and I went to, I will have renewed motivation to go balls to the wall. Those guys were core. Not even so much the hours so much as the efficiency. They did one of three things during any waking moment, Game, Eat, or relieve themselves.

Win Win Win

So at least I find a half way descent inteface to work with in PHP and what do I find? It passes AND stores the username and password for the DB, aka the LunarPages login and password in the clear. WTF? Do retards program this stuff? Jeeezuz

I have decided...

Well, looks like I am not going crazy. The MySQL on Lunar Pages does not allow foreign keys in their database. In otherwords, there is no way to keep DB integrity across tables. Thus if you search for Axis & Allies and some people entered Axis and Allies instead of Axis & Allies, those results will not show. What kind of idiotic DB is that. They should call this bullshit MySpreadsheet. Fuck. Their is however a MySQL DB engine that allows foreign keys etc, but guess what? Its disabled by lunar pages. Sweet. What is the point?

ALright well I will continue to look for a work around

Convention Sleep, or not

I was chatting with Art and Leslie (at different times) about conventions and sleeping. Here are my thoughts on the con, sleeping, and me:

- What a pussy I was in the past when I was "tired" at a con and wanted to take a nap. When I had Pnemonia Con, that was different, but now that I have Wylie, I had no idea what tired really was! Nor did I have a clue that it really is possible to function on 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night, on a regular basis. Maybe my next con experience will be different.

- Which brings me to my next issue. Will I be able to game til I drop at the next con, or will I be so excited that if I wanted, I could put together 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep that I blow off the whole con to make up for months and years of missing sleep?
Sawhorse Detective

Wow. Some random shit that.

Yeah I am playing around with the DB stuff. The interface is pretty easy, but I am still having an issue with a few things and the help sections are well not helpful. Mostly because anytime you look for help it drops you at the top of a huge document and you have to figure out what you were looking for. Boo... It has been a long time since I have worked with programming and DB etc... Just a tab bit rusty.Kind of like the Titanic is a tad bit sunk. Grrr...

It really does not help that I am sick as a dog right now. The Convention was great and all, but I didnt get shit for sleep the entire weekend AND one of the gamers in the group was sick. Now I have the head cold of a hundred pillows in your head. Not exactly clarity for the mind right now.
